[testing]intel driver broken

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After upgrading to testing, my X server won't fire up it says in logs,
that cannot load driver.
Upgrade packages :
boost-1.35.0-1  cracklib-2.8.12-1  inputproto-1.4.4-1  libdrm-2.3.1-1
libgl-7.1-2  intel-dri-7.1-2  jfsutils-1.1.13-1  libxau-1.0.4-1
xcb-proto-1.2-1  libxcb-  libx11-1.1.4-3  mesa-7.1-1
miro-1.2.7-1  pcmciautils-015-1  pixman-0.11.8-1  sdparm-1.03-1
shadow-  xf86-video-apm-1.2.0-2  xf86-video-vesa-2.0.0-2

I cannot repeat this situation now, because it make my laptop unusable.
What i can tell, i am sure in logs there was note 'symbol missing', but
I cannot tell which. I am sure it was in i810 driver.

I've attached Xorg.conf and list of packages.
Sory,for so less information.

Rafał (ert16) Trójniak
m@il : ert256@xxxxxxxxx
Jid : ert256@xxxxxxxxx ert16@xxxxxxxxx
GPG  key-ID : DD681D47
749F E1DC A58F 9084 BBC0
797A 0691 53D6 DD68 1D47
Section "ServerLayout"
	Identifier     "X.org Configured"
#	Screen      0  "Screen0" 0 0
	Screen		"Screen0"
    	Screen		"Screen_ext" RightOf	"Screen0"
	InputDevice    "Mouse0" "CorePointer"
	InputDevice    "Keyboard0" "CoreKeyboard"
	Option         "AIGLX" "true"

Section "Files"
	RgbPath      "/usr/share/X11/rgb"
	ModulePath   "/usr/lib/xorg/modules"
	FontPath     "/usr/share/fonts/misc"
	FontPath     "/usr/share/fonts/100dpi:unscaled"
	FontPath     "/usr/share/fonts/75dpi:unscaled"
	FontPath     "/usr/share/fonts/TTF"
	FontPath     "/usr/share/fonts/Type1"

Section "Module"
	Load  "xtrap"
	Load  "dri"
	Load  "glx"
	Load  "extmod"
	Load  "record"
	Load  "dbe"
	Load  "type1"
	Load  "freetype"
Section "dri"
	Mode 0666

Section "InputDevice"
	Identifier  "Keyboard0"
	Driver      "kbd"
	Option "XkbRules" "xorg"
	Option "XkbModel" "pc104"
	Option "XkbLayout" "pl"

Section "InputDevice"
	Identifier  "Mouse0"
	Driver      "mouse"
	Option	    "Protocol" "auto"
	Option	    "Device" "/dev/input/mice"
	Option	    "ZAxisMapping" "4 5 6 7"

Section "Monitor"

	#DisplaySize	  330   210	# mm
	Identifier   "Monitor0"
	VendorName   "CMO"
	ModelName    "1526"
 ### Comment all HorizSync and VertRefresh values to use DDC:
	HorizSync    31.5 - 108.0
	VertRefresh  50.0 - 80.0

Section "Monitor"
	Identifier   "Monitor_ext"
    #HorizSync       30.0 - 96.0
    #VertRefresh     50.0 - 160.0
    #ModeLine       "1280x1024" 157.5 1280 1344 1504 1728 1024 1025 1028 1072 +hsync +vsync
    #ModeLine       "1280x1024" 135.0 1280 1296 1440 1688 1024 1025 1028 1066 +hsync +vsync
    #ModeLine       "1024x768" 94.5 1024 1072 1168 1376 768 769 772 808 +hsync +vsync
    #ModeLine       "1024x768" 78.8 1024 1040 1136 1312 768 769 772 800 +hsync +vsync
    #ModeLine       "1024x768" 65.0 1024 1048 1184 1344 768 771 777 806 -hsync -vsync
    #ModeLine       "800x600" 56.2 800 832 896 1048 600 601 604 631 +hsync +vsync
    #ModeLine       "800x600" 49.5 800 816 896 1056 600 601 604 625 +hsync +vsync
    #ModeLine       "800x600" 50.0 800 856 976 1040 600 637 643 666 +hsync +vsync
    #ModeLine       "800x600" 40.0 800 840 968 1056 600 601 605 628 +hsync +vsync
    #ModeLine       "640x480" 36.0 640 696 752 832 480 481 484 509 -hsync -vsync
    #ModeLine       "640x480" 31.5 640 656 720 840 480 481 484 500 -hsync -vsync
    #ModeLine       "640x480" 25.2 640 648 744 784 480 482 484 509 -hsync -vsync
    #ModeLine       "640x480" 43.2 640 680 744 848 480 481 484 509 -hsync +vsync
    #ModeLine       "768x576" 35.0 768 792 872 976 576 577 580 597 -hsync +vsync
    #ModeLine       "768x576" 42.9 768 800 880 992 576 577 580 601 -hsync +vsync
    #ModeLine       "768x576" 45.5 768 808 888 1008 576 577 580 602 -hsync +vsync
    #ModeLine       "768x576" 51.8 768 808 888 1008 576 577 580 605 -hsync +vsync
    #ModeLine       "768x576" 62.6 768 816 896 1024 576 577 580 611 -hsync +vsync
    #ModeLine       "800x600" 68.2 800 848 936 1072 600 601 604 636 -hsync +vsync
    #ModeLine       "1024x768" 113.3 1024 1096 1208 1392 768 769 772 814 -hsync +vsync
    #ModeLine       "1280x1024" 191.0 1280 1376 1520 1760 1024 1025 1028 1085 -hsync +vsync

Section "Device"
        ### Available Driver options are:-
        ### Values: <i>: integer, <f>: float, <bool>: "True"/"False",
        ### <string>: "String", <freq>: "<f> Hz/kHz/MHz"
        ### [arg]: arg optional
        #Option     "NoAccel"            	# [<bool>]
        #Option     "SWcursor"           	# [<bool>]
        #Option     "ColorKey"           	# <i>
        #Option     "CacheLines"         	# <i>
        #Option     "Dac6Bit"            	# [<bool>]
        #Option     "DRI"                	# [<bool>]
        #Option     "NoDDC"              	# [<bool>]
        #Option     "ShowCache"          	# [<bool>]
        #Option     "XvMCSurfaces"       	# <i>
        #Option     "PageFlip"           	# [<bool>]
	Identifier  "Card0"
	Driver      "i810"
	VendorName  "Intel Corporation"
	BoardName   "Mobile 945GM/GMS/940GML Express Integrated Graphics Controller"
	BusID       "PCI:0:2:0"
	Option		"MonitorLayout"	"CRT,LFP"
	Screen		0
Section "Device"
	Identifier  "Card1"
	Driver      "i810"
	BusID       "PCI:0:2:0"
	Option		"MonitorLayout"	"CRT2,LFP2"
	Screen		1

Section "Screen"
	Identifier "Screen_ext"
	Device     "Card1"
	Monitor    "Monitor_ext"
	SubSection "Display"
		Viewport   0 0
		Depth     24
		   Modes "1280x1024" "1024x768" "800x600" 
Section "Screen"
	Identifier "Screen0"
	Device     "Card0"
	Monitor    "Monitor0"

Section "Extensions"
	Option         "Composite"   "Enable"
915resolution 0.5.3-1
a2ps 4.13c-1
a52dec 0.7.4-4
aalib 1.4rc5-6
abs 2.2-1
acl 2.2.47-1
acpid 1.0.6-1
acpitool 0.4.7-2
acroread 8.1.2-1
aircrack 2.41-1
airsnort 0.2.7e-4
akonadi 1.0.0-1
alpine 1.10-3
alsa-lib 1.0.17a-1
alsa-oss 1.0.15-1
alsa-utils 1.0.17-1
alsaplayer 0.99.80-1
amyedit 1.0-3
antiright 3.6-2
antiword 0.37-1
apache 2.2.9-4
apache-ant 1.7.0-2
apmd 3.0.2-5
apr 1.3.2-2
apr-util 1.3.2-2
arandr-svn 97-4
arch-artwork 0.2.1-2
archlinux-menus 2.1-2
argouml 0.24-2
arpwatch 2.1a15-4
aspell 0.60.6-2
at 3.1.10-1
at-spi 1.22.1-1
aterm 1.0.1-1
atk 1.22.0-1
attr 2.4.41-1
audacious 1.5.1-1
audacious-docklet 0.1.1-5
audacious-itouch-control 0.1.1-1
audacious-plugins 1.5.1-1
audacity 1.3.5-1
audiofile 0.2.6-3
aumix 2.8-1
autoconf 2.62-1
autocutsel 0.9.0-1
autogen 5.9.5-1
automake 1.10.1-2
autotrace 0.31.1-7
avahi 0.6.23-1
bash 3.2.039-3
bc 1.06-5
bcprov 1.38-1
beep 1.2.2-1
bigreqsproto 1.0.2-1
bin86 0.16.17-3
bind 9.5.0-4
binutils 2.18-9
bison 2.3-4
blas 19980702-5
blender 2.46-1
bluez-libs 3.32-1
boost 1.34.1-2
bridge-utils 1.2-2
bzip2 1.0.5-3
ca-certificates 20080809-4
cairo 1.6.4-1
cairo-perl 1.060-1
cairomm 1.6.0-1
capseo 158-1
ccd2iso 0.3-4
ccmalloc 0.4.0-1
cdparanoia 10.1-1
cdrdao 1.2.2-2
cdrkit 1.1.8-1
chmlib 0.39-1
clamav 0.93.3-1
clamtk 3.08-3
cln 1.2.2-1
clucene 0.9.20-1
codecs 20071007-1
colortail 0.3.0-2
compositeproto 0.4-1
confuse 2.6-1
coreutils 6.12-1
cpio 2.9-3
cppunit 1.12.1-1
cpufreqd 2.2.1-2
cpufrequtils 004-1
cracklib 2.8.10-5
crunchyfrog 0.2.0-5
cryptsetup 1.0.6-1
csup 20060318-5
cups 1.3.8-2
cups-pdf 2.4.8-1
cupsddk 1.2.3-3
curl 7.18.2-1
cvs 1.11.23-2
cyrus-sasl 2.1.22-9
cyrus-sasl-plugins 2.1.22-7
damageproto 1.1.0-1
db 4.7.25-1
db4.1 4.1.25-2
db4.5 4.5.20-1
dbh 1.0.24-2
dbus 1.2.3-1
dbus-glib 0.76-1
dbus-python 0.83.0-1
dbus-qt3 0.62-3
dclib 0.3.10-1
dcron 3.2-3
ddd 3.3.11-4
denyhosts 2.6-3
desktop-file-utils 0.15-1
devhelp 0.19.1-2
device-mapper 1.02.24-1
dhclient 3.0.6-2
dhcp 3.1.1-1
dhcpcd 3.2.1-1
dialog 1.1_20080316-4
diffutils 2.8.1-5
dirmngr 1.0.2-1
dirsync 1.0.11-2
distcc 2.18.3-2
ditrack 0.7-3
dmapi 2.2.8-3
dmenu 3.4-1
dmidecode 2.9-2
dmraid 1.0.0.rc14-4
dmxproto 2.2.2-1
dnsmasq 2.45-1
dnsutils 9.5.0-4
docbook-xml 4.5-1
docbook-xsl 1.73.2-1
docutils 0.4-4
dosbox 0.72-4
dosfstools 2.11-2
doxygen 1.5.6-1
doxygenfilter 1.01-2
dsniff 2.4b1-11
dssi 0.9.1-3
dvd+rw-tools 7.1-1
dvgrab 3.1-1
dynamite 0.1.1-1
e2fsprogs 1.40.8-1
ebook-tools 0.1.1-1
ed 1.0-1
eel 2.22.2-1
eject 2.1.5-3
ekg 1.7-1
enchant 1.4.2-1
epiphany 2.22.3-1
esd 0.2.39-1
etherape 0.9.7-3
ethtool 6-1
etracer 0.40-2
ettercap NG_0.7.3-10
evieext 1.0.2-1
evolution-data-server 2.22.3-2
exempi 2.0.1-2
exim 4.68-5
exiv2 0.17.1-1
exo 0.3.4-2
expat 2.0.1-1
faac 1.26-1
faad2 2.6.1-1
fakeroot 1.9.5-1
fam 2.7.0-10
feh 1.3.4-3
ffmpeg 20080715-3
fftw 3.1.2-2
file 4.26-1
filelight 1.0-3
filesystem 2008.07-1
findutils 4.4.0-1
firefox 3.0.1-2
fixesproto 4.0-2
flac 1.2.1-1
flex 2.5.35-1
fltk 1.1.9-1
fluidsynth 1.0.8-1
fluxbox 1.0.0-1
fontcacheproto 0.1.2-1
fontconfig 2.6.0-2
fontsproto 2.0.2-1
foomatic-db 3.0_20080723-1
foomatic-db-engine 3.0_20080723-1
foomatic-db-hpijs 20080723-1
foomatic-filters 3.0_20080723-1
fortune-mod 1.99.1-3
fpconst 0.7.3-1
freeglut 2.4.0-3
freetype1 1.3.1-4
freetype2 2.3.7-1
fribidi 0.10.9-1
fuse 2.7.3-1
fwbuilder 2.1.17-1
fwlogwatch 1.1-1
gail 1.22.3-1
gawk 3.1.6-2
gc 7.0-2
gcc 4.3.2-1
gcc-libs 4.3.2-1
gconf 2.22.0-1
gd 2.0.35-1
gdb 6.8-3
gdbm 1.8.3-5
gdesklets 0.36.0-1
gdk-pixbuf 0.22.0-4
gdl 0.7.11-1
geany 0.14-3
geanyprj 0.3-1
geanyvc 0.3-1
gecko-mediaplayer 0.7.0-1
gecko-sharp 0.6-9
geda-libs 1.4.0-1
geda-suite 1.4.0-1
gen-init-cpio 2.6.17-3
geoip 1.4.4-1
gettext 0.17-2
gftp 2.0.18-3
ghex 2.22.0-1
ghostscript 8.63-3
giblib 1.2.4-3
giflib 4.1.6-3
gimageview 0.2.27-2
gimmix 0.4.3-1
gimp 2.4.6-1
gimp-dbp 1.1.7-1
gimp-fourier 0.3.1-1
gimp-gap 2.4.0-1
gimp-plugin-greycstoration 2.9-1
gimp-refocus 0.9.0-2
gimp-ufraw 0.13-3
glade 3.5.2-1
glade-perl 1.006-2
glib 1.2.10-7
glib-perl 1.182-1
glib2 2.16.5-1
glibc 2.8-3
glibmm 2.16.4-2
glitz 0.5.6-1
glob2 0.9.3-1
glproto 1.4.9-1
gmp 4.2.2-2
gnochm 0.9.11-2
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gnome-desktop 2.22.3-1
gnome-doc-utils 0.12.2-1
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gnome-keyring 2.22.3-1
gnome-media 2.22.0-2
gnome-menus 2.22.2-1
gnome-mime-data 2.18.0-3
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gnome-mplayer 0.7.0-1
gnome-panel 2.22.2-1
gnome-python 2.22.1-1
gnome-python-desktop 2.22.0-1
gnome-python-extras 2.19.1-2
gnome-session 2.22.3-1
gnome-spell 1.0.8-1
gnome-terminal 2.22.3-1
gnome-themes 2.22.2-1
gnome-vfs 2.22.0-4
gnome2-user-docs 2.22.1-1
gnonlin 0.10.9-1
gnu-netcat 0.7.1-2
gnump3d 3.0-2
gnupg 1.4.9-1
gnupg2 2.0.9-1
gnuplot 4.2.3-2
gnutls 2.4.1-3
gobby 0.4.5-1
google-hacks 0.1-1
gpa 0.7.6-1
gpg-crypter 0.3.5-3
gpgme 1.1.6-1
gpm 1.20.5-2
gps 1.1.0-1
gqview 2.0.4-1
graphviz 2.20.2-1
grep 2.5.3-3
groff 1.19.2-4
grub 0.97-13
gsfonts 8.11-4
gsl 1.11-1
gspcav1 1.00.20-7
gspiceui 0.9.55-1
gstreamer0.10 0.10.20-1
gstreamer0.10-base 0.10.20-1
gstreamer0.10-base-plugins 0.10.20-1
gstreamer0.10-good 0.10.8-1
gstreamer0.10-good-plugins 0.10.8-4
gstreamer0.10-python 0.10.12-1
gthumb 2.10.8-1
gtk 1.2.10-8
gtk-doc 1.10-1
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gtk-sharp-2 2.12.1-1
gtk-xfce-engine 2.4.2-1
gtk2 2.12.11-3
gtk2-perl 1.182-1
gtkam 0.1.15-1
gtkglarea 1.2.3-2
gtkhtml 3.18.3-1
gtklp 1.2.6-4
gtkmm 2.12.7-1
gtkpod 0.99.12-1
gtksourceview 1.8.5-2
gtksourceview2 2.2.2-1
gtkspell 2.0.13-1
gucharmap 2.22.3-1
guile 1.8.4-3
guile-gtk 1.2_0.60-1
gvfs 0.2.5-2
gvim 7.1.330-1
gzip 1.3.12-4
hal 0.5.11-1
hal-cups-utils 0.6.13-1
hal-info 0.20080508-1
hd2u 1.0.1-1
hddtemp 0.3.beta15.38-1
hdparm 8.9-1
hedgewars 0.9.6-1
heimdal 1.2-2
hexcurse 1.55-2
hexedit 1.2.12-2
hibernate-script 1.99-1
hicolor-icon-theme 0.10-1
hping 2.0.0-2
hplip 2.8.7-2
hpoj 0.91-12
hunspell 1.2.6-1
hwdetect 0.9-1
icecast 2.3.1-5
icon-naming-utils 0.8.7-1
icon-slicer 0.3-2
icu 4.0-1
id3lib 3.8.3-10
ifenslave 1.1.0-3
imap 2007a-2
imlib 1.9.15-4
imlib2 1.4.1-1
indilib 0.5-1
indywiki 0.9.8-1
initscripts 2008.08-1
inkscape 0.46-6
inotail 0.5-3
inputproto 1.4.3-1
intel-dri 7.0.3-1
interlis-compiler 3.6.5-1
intltool 0.40.3-1
iperf 2.0.2-2
iproute 2.6.25-1
iptables 1.4.0-2
iptraf 3.0.0-2
iputils 20070202-4
ipvsadm 1.24-1
irda-utils 0.9.18-1
irssi 0.8.12-4
iso-codes 2.0-1
ispell 3.3.02-3
jack-audio-connection-kit 0.109.2-2
jacman 0.4-2
jade 1.2.1-5
jasper 1.900.1-1
jdk 6u7-1
jfsutils 1.1.12-2
jhead 2.82-1
jpdftweak 0.9-1
jre 6u7-1
k3b 1.0.5-1
kbproto 1.0.3-1
kchmviewer 3.1-3
kde-l10n-pl 4.1.1-1
kdeaccessibility 4.1.1-1
kdeadmin 4.1.1-1
kdeartwork 4.1.1-1
kdebase 4.1.1-2
kdebase-runtime 4.1.1-1
kdebase-workspace 4.1.1-1
kdebindings 4.1.1-1
kdeedu 4.1.1-1
kdegames 4.1.1-1
kdegraphics 4.1.1-1
kdelibs 4.1.1-2
kdelibs3 3.5.10-1
kdemultimedia 4.1.1-1
kdepimlibs 4.1.1-1
kdeplasma-addons 4.1.1-1
kdesdk 4.1.1-1
kdetoys 4.1.1-1
kdeutils 4.1.1-1
kdewebdev 4.1.1-1
kernel26-xen 2.6.22-11
kid3 1.0-2
kismet 2007_10_R1-2
kiwi 1.9.22-1
klibc 1.5-6
klibc-extras 2.4-2
klibc-kbd 1.15.20080312-6
klibc-module-init-tools 3.4-1
klibc-udev 116-4
klogwatch 2.0.3-1
kmplayer 0.11.0-2
koffice 1.6.3-4
kqemu 1.3.0pre11-22
kqemu-suspend2 1.3.0pre11-3
ktorrent 3.1.2-1
ladspa 1.13-1
lame 3.98-2
lapack 3.1.1-3
laptop-mode-tools 1.42-1
latex2html 2002.2.1-1
latex2rtf 1.9.19-1
lcms 1.17-2
less 418-1
lesstif 0.95.0-2
libao 0.8.8-2
libarchive 2.5.5-1
libart-lgpl 2.3.20-1
libassuan 1.0.5-1
libavc1394 0.5.3-1
libbonobo 2.22.0-1
libbonoboui 2.22.0-1
libcap 1.10-2
libcaptury 158-1
libcddb 1.3.0-3
libcdio 0.80-3
libcroco 0.6.1-1
libcups 1.3.8-2
libdaemon 0.12-1
libdatrie 0.1.2-1
libdjvu 3.5.20-1
libdmx 1.0.2-1
libdnet 1.12-1
libdownload 1.3-1
libdrm 2.3.0-1
libdv 1.0.0-1
libdvdnav 0.1.10-3
libdvdread 0.9.7-1
libelf 0.8.10-3
libepc 0.3.5-2
libevent 1.3e-1
libexif 0.6.16-1
libexif-gtk 0.3.5-8
libfontenc 1.0.4-1
libfwbuilder 2.1.17-1
libgcrypt 1.4.1-1
libgda 1.2.4-4
libgdiplus 1.9-1
libgl 7.0.3-2
libglade 2.6.2-1
libglademm 2.6.6-1
libgnome 2.22.0-1
libgnomecups 0.2.3-3
libgnomedb 1.2.2-6
libgnomekbd 2.22.0-2
libgnomeprint 2.18.3-3
libgnomeprintui 2.18.2-1
libgnomeui 2.22.01-1
libgpg-error 1.6-1
libgphoto2 2.4.2-1
libgpod 0.6.0-2
libgsf 1.14.8-1
libgtkhtml 2.11.1-1
libgtop 2.22.3-1
libgweather 2.22.3-1
libice 1.0.4-1
libid3tag 0.15.1b-2
libidl2 0.8.11-1
libidn 1.0-1
libiec61883 1.1.0-1
libieee1284 0.2.11-1
libipoddevice 0.5.3-1
libixp 0.4-1
libjpeg 6b-4
libkexif 0.2.5-1
libkipi 0.1.6-2
libksba 1.0.3-1
liblbxutil 1.0.1-1
libldap 2.3.40-1
liblo 0.23-1
liblrdf 0.4.0-5
libmad 0.15.1b-2
libmal 0.44-1
libmcrypt 2.5.8-1
libmcs 0.7.1-1
libmikmod 3.1.12-1
libmng 1.0.10-1
libmowgli 0.7.0-1
libmp4v2 1.6-1
libmpcdec 1.2.6-1
libmpd 0.15.0-1
libmpeg2 0.5.1-1
libmysqlclient 5.0.60-1
libnetworkmanager 0.6.6-1
libnl 1.1-1
libnotify 0.4.4-2
libnova 0.12.1-1
libofa 0.9.3-1
libogg 1.1.3-1
liboil 0.3.14-1
libopensync 0.22-1
libpcap 0.9.8-2
libpcapnav 0.8-2
libpciaccess 0.10.3-1
libpng 1.2.31-1
libpqxx 2.6.9-1
libqalculate 0.9.6-4
libraw1394 1.3.0-1
librsvg 2.22.2-1
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libtheora 1.0beta1-1
libtiff 3.8.2-3
libtool 2.2.4-1
libtorrent 0.11.9-1
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libxklavier 3.6-1
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libxtst 1.0.3-1
libxv 1.0.4-1
libxvmc 1.0.4-1
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libxxf86misc 1.0.1-1
libxxf86vm 1.0.2-1
libzip 0.8-1
licenses 2.4-1
liferea 1.4.18-2
lilo 22.8-2
links 2.2-2
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logrotate 3.7.5-1
logwatch 7.3.6-1
lshwd 1.1.3-5
lsof 4.80-1
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lvm2 2.02.36-1
lynx 2.8.6-2
lzo 1.08-4
lzo2 2.02-3
m4 1.4.11-1
mailx 8.1.1-5
make 3.81-3
makepasswd 1.10-2
man 1.6f-2
man-pages 3.08-1
mbrowse 0.3.1-2
mc 4.6.1-5
mcpp 2.6.4-2
mdadm 2.6.7-1
memprof 0.6-2
mesa 7.0.3-3
metacity 2.22.0-1
mime-types 1.0-1
minicom 2.3-2
miro 1.2.4-1
mjpegtools 1.8.0-3
mkinitcpio 0.5.19-1
moc 2.4.3-4
module-init-tools 3.4-1
monica 3.7-1
mono 1.9.1-1
mousepad 0.2.13-1
mozilla-common 1.2-1
mp32ogg 0.11-3
mpc 0.12.1-3
mpd 0.13.2-1
mpfr 2.3.1-1
mpg123 1.5.0-1
mpgtx 1.3.1-1
mplayer 1.0rc2-6
mplayer-plugin 3.55-1
mrtg 2.15.2-1
mtools 3.9.11-1
mtr 0.72-2
multitail 5.2.2-2
muse 0.8.1-2
musicbrainz 2.1.5-1
mutagen 1.14-1
mutt 1.5.18-1
myodbc 3.51.26-1
mysql 5.0.60-1
mysql-clients 5.0.60-2
mysql-gui-tools 5.0r12-2
mysql-python 1.2.2-1
mysqlcc 0.9.8-3
nagios-nrpe 2.11-1
namcap 2.1-1
nano 2.0.8-3
nas 1.9.1-2
ncftp 3.2.1-2
ncmpc 0.11.1-5
ncurses 5.6-8
ndiswrapper 1.53-1
ndiswrapper-suspend2 1.47-1
ndiswrapper-utils 1.53-1
nemesis 1.4-1
neon 0.28.3-1
net-tools 1.60-13
net6 1.3.5-1
netcfg 2.1.0_RC1-1
netgo 0.5-1
netkit-bsd-finger 0.17-3
netkit-ftp 0.17-6
netkit-telnet 0.17-8
netpbm 10.35-608
network-ups-tools 2.2.2-1
nfs-utils 1.1.0-4
nfsidmap 0.20-2
ngrep 1.45-4
ngspice r17-2
nmap 4.68-3
normalize 0.7.7-3
notification-daemon-xfce 0.3.7-2
nspr 4.7.1-1
nss 3.12-1
nss-mdns 0.10-1
ntp 4.2.4p4-6
obby 0.4.4-1
ocaml 3.10.2-2
offlineimap 6.0.3-1
ogmtools 1.5-1
openal 0.0.8-4
openbabel 2.2.0-1
opencdk 0.6.6-1
openexr 1.4.0a-2
openjpeg 1.3-1
openldap 2.3.40-1
openldap-clients 2.3.40-1
openoffice-base 2.4.1-2
openoffice-pl 2.4.1-1
openoffice-spell-pl 20070213-1
openslp 1.2.1-1
openssh 5.0p1-2
openssl 0.9.8h-4
openvpn 2.0.9-4
opera 9.52-1
orange 0.3.2-1
orbit2 2.14.14-1
oxine 0.7.1-1
p2c 1.21alpha2-3
pacman 3.2.1-1
pam 1.0.1-2
pam_ldap 184-1
pango 1.20.5-1
parted 1.8.8-2
patch 2.5.9-1
pciutils 3.0.0-2
pcmciautils 014-4
pcre 7.7-2
pdfedit 0.4.1-2
peacock 1.9.1-6
perl 5.10.0-4
perl-authen-sasl 2.10-3
perl-bit-vector 6.4-3
perl-carp-clan 5.10-1
perl-config-tiny 2.12-2
perl-date-calc 5.4-3
perl-date-manip 5.48-1
perl-digest-sha1 2.11-3
perl-error 0.17011-1
perl-file-find-rule 0.30-3
perl-file-tail 0.99.3-3
perl-io-socket-ssl 1.12-1
perl-locale-gettext 1.05-3
perl-mp3-info 1.23-2
perl-net-jabber 2.0-3
perl-net-ssleay 1.30-2
perl-net-xmpp 1.02-3
perl-number-compare 0.01-3
perl-passwd-md5 1.3-3
perl-string-shellquote 1.03-2
perl-text-glob 0.08-3
perl-text-iconv 1.7-2
perl-timedate 1.16-3
perl-uri 1.35-3
perl-xml-simple 2.18-2
perl-xml-stream 1.22-3
perl-xml-twig 3.32-2
perlxml 2.36-1
phonon 4.2.0-2
php 5.2.6-5
php-fileinfo 1.0.4-3
phun 3.5-1
pil 1.1.6-4
pilot-link 0.12.3-2
pinentry 0.7.5-3
pitivi 0.11.1-1
pixman 0.10.0-1
pkgconfig 0.23-1
plotutils 2.5-1
pmount 0.9.13-4
poppler 0.8.6-1
poppler-glib 0.8.6-1
poppler-qt 0.8.6-1
poppler-qt3 0.8.6-1
popt 1.10.6-3
portmap 6.0-2
postgresql 8.3.3-1
postgresql-libs 8.3.3-2
povray 3.6.1-4
ppp 2.4.4-6
pptpclient 1.7.1-3
printproto 1.0.4-1
procinfo 19-3
procps 3.2.7-5
proftpd 1.3.1-2
prosper 1.5-2
psi 0.12-2
psmisc 22.6-2
pstoedit 3.45-2
psutils 1.17-1
pth 2.0.7-1
putty 0.60-1
pwgen 2.05-1
pycairo 1.4.12-1
pyclamav 0.4.0-1
pycrypto 2.0.1-2
pycups 1.9.40-1
pygobject 2.14.2-1
pygtk 2.12.1-1
pygtksourceview2 2.2.0-1
pyopenssl 0.7-1
pyorbit 2.14.3-1
pyqt 4.4.3-1
pyqt3 3.17.4-1
python 2.5.2-5
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python-elementtree 1.2.6-2
python-gdata 1.1.1-1
python-lxml 2.1-1
python-mpd 0.2.1-1
python-notify 0.1.1-3
python-numeric 24.2-2
python-psycopg2 2.0.7-1
python-pychm 0.8.4-2
python-pysqlite 2.4.1-1
python-soappy 0.12.0-5
pyxdg 0.15-2
pyxml 0.8.4-3
qca 2.0.1-2
qca-qt3 1.0-1
qca-tls 1.0-5
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qiv 2.1pre12-1.1
qmpdclient 1.0.9-1
qscintilla 2.2-1
qscintilla-qt3 1.7.1-2
qstat 2.11-1
qsvn 0.7.0-1
qt 4.4.1-4
qt3 3.3.8-8
qtorrent 0.9.5-3
quota-tools 3.16-1
r 2.7.2-1
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raptor 1.4.18-1
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rarian 0.8.0-2
rdesktop 1.6.0-2
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redland 1.0.8-1
reiserfsprogs 3.6.20-3
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resourceproto 1.0.2-1
ristretto 0.0.20-2
rp-pppoe 3.10-1
rpmextract 0-2
rpmunpack 0-1
rrdtool 1.2.27-1
rssh 2.3.2-2
rsync 3.0.3-1
rtorrent 0.7.9-1
ruby 1.8.7_p72-2
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ruby-gtk2 0.16.0-1
ruby-libglade 0.16.0-1
ruby-pango 0.16.0-1
ruby-rcairo 1.6.1-1
run-parts 2.30-1
rwhois-client 1.6.1-1
samba 3.0.31-1
sane 1.0.19-2
screen 4.0.3-6
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sdl_net 1.2.7-2
sdl_sound 1.0.1-7
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sdparm 1.02-2
seahorse 2.22.3-1
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sed 4.1.5-3
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sfs 0.7.2-1
sg3_utils 1.25-1
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shorewall-perl 4.0.13-1
showimg 0.9.5-6
sip 4.7.7-1
slang 2.1.3-2
slurm 0.3.3-1
smartmontools 5.38-1
smb4k 0.9.6-2
smbclient 3.0.31-2
smbnetfs 0.3.11a-1
smplayer 0.6.2-1
smplayer-themes 0.1.16-1
sonata 1.5.2-1
soprano 2.1.1-1
sox 14.0.0-2
speex 1.2rc1-1
spidermonkey 1.7.0-1
sqlite3 3.6.2-1
squeeze 0.2.3-2
squid 2.7.STABLE2-1
sshfs 1.9-1
sshguard 1.0-1
ssldump 0.9b3-6.1
startup-notification 0.9-1
strace 4.5.16-1
stress 1.0.0-1
strigi 0.5.11-1
stunnel 4.25-1
subversion 1.4.6-4
sudo 1.6.9p17-1
swatch 3.2.2-2
swt 3.3.2-1
synce-libsynce 0.12-1
sysfsutils 2.1.0-4
syslinux 3.60-1
syslog-ng 2.0.9-1
system-config-printer 1.0.6-1
sysvinit 2.86-4
t1lib 5.1.2-1
taglib 1.5-1
tagpy 0.94.5-2
tar 1.20-2
tcl 8.5.4-1
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tcpdump 3.9.8-1
tcpflow 0.21-1
tcsh 6.15.01-4
termcap-compat 1.2.3-4
terminal 0.2.8-3
tetex 3.0-4
texvc 20050202-1
tftp-hpa 0.48-1
thunar 0.9.0-2
thunar-archive-plugin 0.2.4-5
thunar-media-tags-plugin 0.1.2-5
thunar-volman 0.2.0-1
tidyhtml 1.37-2
tilda 0.9.6-1
tk 8.5.4-2
tls 1.5.0-3
toolame 02l-6
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totem-xine 2.22.2-3
tpctl 4.15-1
transcode 1.0.6rc1-2
transmission-cli 1.33-1
transmission-gtk 1.33-1
trapproto 3.4.3-1
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ttf-bitstream-vera 1.10-5
ttf-dejavu 2.26-1
ttf-gentium-basic 1.1-1
tunepimp 0.5.3-5
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typespeed 0.6.4-1
tzdata 2008e-1
udev 119-1
umit 0.9.5RC1-1
umleditor 3.0.2-1
uniconvertor 1.1.2-1
unison 2.27.57-1
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unoconv 0.3-1
unrar 3.8.2-1
unshield 0.5.1-1
unzip 5.52-4
usbutils 0.73-5
userui 0.7.2-2
util-linux-ng 2.14-1
valknut 0.3.10-1
vbetool 1.0-2
vconfig 1.9-1.1
versionpkg 0.7.6-1
verve-plugin 0.3.5-4
vi 7.1.330-1
videoproto 2.2.2-1
vim 7.1.330-1
vim-doxygentoolkit 0.1.17-1
vim-workspace 1.0b1-1
visualboyadvance 1.7.2-5
vnc 4.1.2-1
vorbis-tools 1.2.0-3
vsftpd 2.0.7-1
vte 0.16.14-2
vym 1.10.0-5
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wdm 1.28-2
webalizer 2.01-5
wget 1.11.4-1
which 2.19-2
whois 4.7.24-1
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wine 1.1.3-1
wireless_tools 29-2
wireshark 1.0.2-2
wlan-ng26-utils 0.2.9-1
wmii 3.6-1
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wv2 0.2.3-1
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wxgtk-2.6 2.6.4-2
x264 20080625-1
xalan-java 2.7.1-2
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xcb-proto 1.1-1
xchm 1.14-1
xcmiscproto 1.1.2-1
xcompmgr 1.1.4-1
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xcursor-neutral 1.13a-4
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xdg-utils 1.0.2-1
xdialog 2.3.1-1
xdm-archlinux 0.3-2
xerces2-java 2.9.1-2
xextproto 7.0.3-1
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xf86-input-mouse 1.3.0-1
xf86-video-apm 1.2.0-1
xf86-video-i810 1.7.4-10
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xf86driproto 2.0.4-1
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xf86vidmodeproto 2.2.2-1
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xfce-mcs-plugins 4.4.2-2
xfce-utils 4.4.2-1
xfce4-appfinder 4.4.2-1
xfce4-artwork 0.1-5
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xfce4-cpugraph-plugin 0.4.0-1
xfce4-datetime-plugin 0.5.0-4
xfce4-dict-plugin 0.2.1-5
xfce4-diskperf-plugin 2.1.0-4
xfce4-eyes-plugin 4.4.0-4
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xfce4-fsguard-plugin 0.4.1-1
xfce4-genmon-plugin 3.1-4
xfce4-icon-theme 4.4.2-1
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xfce4-mixer 4.4.2-2
xfce4-mount-plugin 0.5.4-2
xfce4-mpc-plugin 0.3.2-2
xfce4-netload-plugin 0.4.0-4
xfce4-notes-plugin 1.6.1-1
xfce4-panel 4.4.2-2
xfce4-quicklauncher-plugin 1.9.4-2
xfce4-screenshooter-plugin 1.0.0-5
xfce4-session 4.4.2-2
xfce4-smartbookmark-plugin 0.4.2-6
xfce4-systemload-plugin 0.4.2-4
xfce4-taskmanager 0.3.2-4
xfce4-time-out-plugin 0.1.1-2
xfce4-timer-plugin 0.6-1
xfce4-wavelan-plugin 0.5.4-4
xfce4-weather-plugin 0.6.2-1
xfce4-xfapplet-plugin 0.1.0-5
xfce4-xkb-plugin 0.4.3-4
xfce4-xmms-plugin 0.5.1-4
xfdesktop 4.4.2-3
xfmedia 0.9.2-3
xfmpc 0.0.5-1
xfprint 4.4.2-4
xfsdump 2.2.48-1
xfsprogs 2.9.8-1
xfwm4 4.4.2-3
xfwm4-themes 4.4.2-1
xine-lib 1.1.15-2
xine-ui 0.99.5-4
xineramaproto 1.1.2-1
xinetd 2.3.14-3
xkeyboard-config 1.3-1
xlockmore 5.26.1-1
xmlsec 1.2.11-2
xorg 11R7.0-1
xorg-apps 1.0.3-3
xorg-font-utils 1.0.3-3
xorg-fonts-100dpi 1.0.1-1
xorg-fonts-75dpi 1.0.1-2
xorg-fonts-alias 1.0.1-1
xorg-fonts-encodings 1.0.2-2
xorg-fonts-misc 1.0.0-3
xorg-fonts-type1 7.3-1
xorg-res-utils 1.0.3-2
xorg-server 1.4.2-2
xorg-server-utils 7.3-1
xorg-util-macros 1.1.6-1
xorg-utils 7.3-1
xorg-xauth 1.0.3-1
xorg-xdm 1.1.8-1
xorg-xinit 1.1.0-1
xorg-xkb-utils 7.3-1
xosd 2.2.14-1
xosview 1.8.3-2
xpdf 3.02_pl2-1
xproto 7.0.13-1
xqf 1.0.5-2
xscreensaver 5.07-1
xsmbrowser 3.4.0-2
xterm 235-2
xtrans 1.2.1-1
xvidcore 1.1.3-1
xzgv 0.9-1
yafray 0.0.9-2
yakuake 2.9.3-1
yelp 2.23.1-2
zebra 0.95a-2
zenity 2.22.1-1
zip 3.0-1
zope-interface 3.4.1-1
zsh 4.3.5-2
zsi 2.0-2

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