Hello all,
First I want to start off by expressing my satisfaction with the Arch
Linux distribution. I've played with about six of them and broke them
all within the first week except for this one. Very hackable and does
what I want it to do without fuss. Nice job.
Now, it doesn't seem as though packages are always updated to link with
newer libs. For instance, I got the new ncurses build a few days ago.
Today, when I checked out snownews, it would not work because it was not
linked against the new ncurses library. Of course, using the ABS
PKGBUILD file to build my own from source fixed the problem but thought
I would alert you all anyways. It was complaining about not being able
to find libncurses.so.5. Rebuilding it linked it against the new version.
Thanks for a great distro,