On Tue, Aug 12, 2008 at 08:58:43AM +1000, richard terry wrote: > > I wondered if there was a command line utility to do the conversion. You could combine some nice tools Look at the tools: html2text and htmldoc First is an "simple" text parser without formatting. htmldoc is a complex tool which renders html files to ps, pdf (or html). With htmldoc you could render complex webpages with many options. The solution for your problem could a piping party.. wget downloads the html code and pipded it to htmldoc. htmldoc produces ps or pdf which you pipe to your printer. One quick example could be (one line): ,---- | wget -O - pages.html http://aur.archlinux.org/index.php | htmldoc --webpage -t ps - | lp `---- The many single - in the commands are important, this is stdin and stdout For more options and useful settings look at man htmldoc. > Richard Gerhard -- Never use a running system...