Ondřej Kučera wrote:
I need to be able to use java applets on my Arch64 box. From what I
found on the wiki (http://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Arch64_FAQ) it
should work out of the box in Konqueror but unfortunately it isn't the
case for me.
I tried the following two pages containing applets, neither seems to
I do have the java packages (both jre and jdk), I have java enabled in
Konqueror, I'm not sure if I'm supposed to do something else.
Truth to be told the best solution would be to have applets working in
Firefox since since I need them working in an intranet web application
that is not exactly 100% compatible with Konqueror, I'm afraid. Is there
a working solution for Firefox?
You might want to try bin32-swiftfox-athlon64 from aur. I got it running
on my 64bit box with flash, works like a charm! You might have to
extract the i686 java package into the /opt/lib32 folder though.