While the setup Jim decribes is similar to what I have setup, The issue still remains when a user uploads a PHPSHELL to there docment root and access the server through the uploaded shell they are no longer operating under the FTP user account. They are operating under the www-data account which is the account apachie operates in. By doing so when using the uploaded PHPSHELL you bypass the FTP and jail restrictions that prevent you from seeing other peoples document root and have access to all document roots on the system. Here is a PHPSHELL http://phpshell.sourceforge.net/ upload and configure it. give it a try it runs under the www-data account just like all other pages do.
This issue would allow your PHP files to be viewed. This can be an issue due to needing to have passwords in PHP scripts to access SOL databases etc..
This issue could be resolved by making each virtualhost run under a different account and jailing each account in a different jail.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Jim Walls" <jim@xxxxxxxxx>
To: users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Sent: Monday, March 7, 2011 12:58:59 AM
Subject: Re: How do I keep Virtural hosts from seeing the others document root?
On 3/6/2011 2:43 PM,
aaronrus@xxxxxxxxxxx wrote:
I have apache2 running virtual hosts. Ive fingered out how
to jail a user that uploads files to the document root using
jailkit and only allow SFTP access. What I have not fingered out
is how to keep a user from reading other files on the system
such as other virtual host document roots by uploading a
phpshell which runs under the www-data user which is not jailed.
Maybe I'm not understanding the problem. As I understand it, you
dont want a user that has ftp access to one of your virtual hosts to
be able to have read access to another of the virtual hosts. What's
the problem? As I understand the question, this has everything to
do with the security and setup of your ftp server and nothing to do
with apache. I have this very easily. I use Bulletproof FTP server
and I can easily allow a user ID whatever access and to whatever
directories I want. The two virtual servers have completely
different document roots. Let me give an example:
I have a virtual server that is xyz.org with a root of C:\Program
Files\Apache Group\Apache2\htdocs\xyz.org
I have a second virtual server that is abc.info with a root of
C:\Program Files\Apache Group\Apache2\htdocs\abc.info
In my ftp server, the user IDs that are there for access to xyz.org
have no access above C:\Program Files\Apache
Group\Apache2\htdocs\xyz.org and the user IDs that are there for
access to abc.info have no access above C:\Program Files\Apache
Did I just answer the question or am I completely missing the
Jim Walls - K6CCC
Ofc: 818-548-4804
AMSAT Member 32537 - WSWSS Member 395