I am new to apache so my question may be too simple. I have installed apache2 and when I enter the ip address (http://A.B.C.D/) in the web browser I can successfully see the message "It works!".... fine.
I also have installed Munin and set the htmldir variable to /var/www/A.B.C.D/web/monitoring. After running the Muning, index.html file and other related files are generated there:
root@server1:/var/www/A.B.C.D/web/monitoring# ls
definitions.html index.html logo.png server1
favicon.ico logo-h.png style.css
However when I enter this URL (http://A.B.C.D/monitoring) in the browser, I get this error:
Not Found
The requested URL /monitoring was not found on this server.
Apache/2.2.14 (Ubuntu) Server at A.B.C.D Port 80
It seems that Apache2's default location is somewhere else. How can I tell kim to look in to /var/www/A.B.C.D/web/monitoring where my index.html is there.