I am sending the cookie back to web server (appache 2 . 2 ) ; it is not
getting recognized.
Context: I'm trying to send a cookie back to webserver (as it is required for few validations) as obtained from previous response, the cookie is not getting recognized. The cookie preparation to set in the new request is explained as below.
Cookie is prepared in the below method, where variable cookie used contains
all the cookies received in the header from the response.
protected String prepareCookie()
String cookieValue = "";
for(int z=0; z< cookie .size(); z++)
KeyValueInfo keyValueInfo = (KeyValueInfo) cookie .get(z);
String key = (String)keyValueInfo.getKey();
String value = (String)keyValueInfo.getValue();
if(key.equalsIgnoreCase("Set- Cookie "))
cookieValue = cookieValue + value;
cookieValue = cookieValue + "," + value;
return cookieValue;
Now when I send this cookie it is not recognized , however if I replace
comma with semi-colon while adding cookies in the above method it works
fine. Let me know if there is any to do solve this. I can't change the code
of the client to prepare cookie to replace comma to semi-colon .
Thanks & Regards,
Uday Kiran Gannavarapu
Tata Consultancy Services
Mailto: uk.gannavarapu@xxxxxxx
Website: http://www.tcs.com
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