A list of compiled-in modules is pretty useless.On Thu, 2009-10-22 at 09:16 -0400, khalid touati wrote:
> Hi Guys,
> i am able to start one virtual host but not all of them, and these are
> the module when i type:
> /usr/sbin/apache2 -l
> Compiled in modules:
> core.c
> worker.c
> http_core.c
> mod_so.c
> i'm realyy stuck, any idea!!
Please provide a better description of your problem, including error
messages, configuration information and anything else relevant.
Mark Watts BSc RHCE MBCS
Senior Systems Engineer, Managed Services Manpower
QinetiQ - Delivering customer-focused solutions
GPG Key: http://www.linux-corner.info/mwatts.gpg