Re: Issue with DirectoryIndex

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I apologize for my lack of understanding.  Next time I will give version and
platform along with the full configuration in the future.  To answer you
question about the Weblogic stuff.  The file came from my
Weblogic installation.  It is there proxy file.  Also the Location
information for Weblogic came from them too.

The only reason I have the IP address and port list is that I am running two
different sites on this box.  They are both running on the same IP but on
different ports.  I have each site running as a Windows service so I can
easily stop and restart the site.

I agree with you on the space in folders.  I do not like them either, but I
just went with the defaults.

Adding the new Location with the SetHandler to none worked.  Not really sure
where I got the test.  Most likely I misunderstood some information I read. 
So, if I set the three locations /tpg, /Softwaredownloads and /focis to none
on the SetHandlers, do you think that might fix it?


awarnier wrote:
> jwberger wrote:
>> I completely agree that it is most likely an issue with my config.  I am
>> pretty new to Apache.  Below is the complete config. I know I probably
>> did
>> not do some things correctly, but it is working good for except for this
>> one
>> thing that has just come up.
> No problem.  This forum is the right place for that.
> As the final response will show, it just helps people here (for helping 
> you) if you provide the full information from the start. Just 2 lines with
> Apache version : x.y.z
> platform : x.y v 0.3
> already narrow down the issue quite a bit.
> (And in this case, it would have helped a lot to mention that you are 
> using Apache as a proxy to a WebLogic cluster; but let's not get ahead 
> of ourselves).
> I am going to give you some personal comments below, which you might 
> decide to use or not.  Just based on personal experience.
>> ServerRoot "C:/Program Files/Apache Software Foundation/Apache2.2"
> This is the standard installation path for the Apache/Windows MSI
> installer.
> It is OK, but I dislike it, because the path contains spaces, and spaces 
> in paths will always bite you somewhere down the line.
> (E.g. when you call a script with another script and forget to quote 
> things properly).
> In my opinion, the person who invented paths with spaces in them should 
> get an Ig Nobel prize.
>> Listen
> This could probably just be
> Listen 8081
> As you put it above it is valid, but it means that this Apache server 
> will listen *only* on requests that come in on the interface that has 
> that specific IP address.  For example, it would not listen for requests 
> on the "loopback" interface (, and it would not listen anymore 
> if ever you changed the IP address of the server.
>> LoadModule actions_module modules/
> ...
> OK
> ...
>> <IfModule>
>> 	WebLogicCluster
>> 	KeepAliveEnabled ON
>> 	KeepAliveSecs 30
>> 	FileCaching OFF
>> </IfModule>
>> <Location /PartnersQueryService>
>> 	SetHandler  weblogic-handler
>> 	WebLogicCluster
>> </Location>
> The above and similar sections are not standard Apache stuff, and 
> belongs to your WebLogic add-ons.
> This is intriguing.  Where from did you get this Apache ?
> <Location /tpg>
> 	AuthType basic
> 	AuthBasicProvider ldap
> 	AuthName "Partners"
> 	SetHandler test
> 	Order deny,allow
> 	Deny from all
> 	Allow from all
> #	AuthLDAPURL ldap://
> ldap://
> 	AuthzLDAPAuthoritative off
> 	Require valid-user
> </Location>>
> Ok, so far we are in what is called the "main configuration", meaning 
> outside of any VirtualHost section.
> If you are using VirtualHost sections, then all this stuff in fact 
> describes default values, that will be used by each VirtualHost later 
> defined, unless that VirtualHost re-defines that particular parameter 
> itself.
> Next, I have taken out your <VirtualHost> section, because where it was 
> located in your configuration file, it was a bit confusing.
> All the following directives, being also outside of the <VirtualHost> 
> section, are in fact member of the same group as the ones above.  They 
> belong to the main configuration, and also act as defaults for all 
> VirtualHosts.
>> ServerAdmin admin@localhost
>> ServerName
> This is, again, just a default value.  It is in fact never used in this 
> case.
>> DocumentRoot "D:/docs"
>> <Directory />
>>     Options FollowSymLinks
>>     AllowOverride None
>>     Order deny,allow
>>     Deny from all
>> </Directory>
> Nitpick: the "Options FollowSymlinks" above does not seem to be useful, 
> since you are forbidding access to "/" anyway (and rightly so).
>> <Directory "D:/docs">
>>     Options Indexes FollowSymLinks
>>     AllowOverride None
>>     Order allow,deny
>>     Allow from all
>> </Directory>
>> <IfModule dir_module>
>>     DirectoryIndex index.html
>> </IfModule>
> So it would seem that indeed you set the DirectoryIndex directive in the 
> main configuration, and that it should thus be inherited by all 
> VirtualHosts.  Then why is it not working ? Mmmm.
> ...
> I moved the <VirtualHost> section here at the end, because it seems more 
> logical to first have all the default directives applying to all 
> VirtualHosts, and then the definition of these VirtualHosts.
>  >
>  > <VirtualHost>
> So this is not a name-based VirtualHost system, it is an IP-based 
> VirtualHost system, which is quite a different animal.
>  >     ServerAdmin admin@localhost
>  >     DocumentRoot "D:/docs"
>  >     ServerName
>  >     ServerAlias
>  > #    UseCanonicalName off
>  >     ErrorLog "logs/partners3/error.log"
>  >     CustomLog "logs/partners3/access.log" common
>  >     SetEnvIf Remote_Addr "168\.127\.1\.59" dontlog
>  >     RewriteEngine On
>  >     RewriteOptions Inherit
>  >     RewriteCond %{REQUEST_METHOD} ^TRACE
>  >     ReWriteRule .* - [F]
>  > </VirtualHost>
>  >
> The VirtualHost section does not redefine DirectoryIndex.  The mystery 
> gets thicker..
> But let's get back to your section
> <Location /tpg>
> In that section, you have a line
> 	SetHandler test
> (just like in other sections, you have a line
> 	SetHandler  weblogic-handler
> Now THAT is the reason why your DirectoryIndex is not working !
> By this SetHandler directive, you are in fact telling Apache not to 
> generate the content by itself, but to "delegate" (or proxy) this call 
> to some add-on module.  So Apache gives this request (any request for 
> any URL starting with /tpg) to the "test" or to the "weblogic-handler" 
> module, and expects this module to generate the response.  And, 
> presumably, these handlers have no idea that they should look for an 
> "index.html" file in some directory.
> So they return whatever response they would return when give a URL of 
> "/tpg" (probably, an error), and then Apache returns that response to 
> the browser.
> It is only when Apache is asked to generate the content itself, with its 
> own "default handler", that the DirectoryIndex directive will be 
> invoked.  In your case, Apache is not looking for anything, on disk or 
> elsewhere.  It is just passing the request to the module that you 
> indicated as the handler.
> Do the following test :
> Add a new section as follows :
> <Location /tpg/indextest>
>    SetHandler none
>    DirectoryIndex index.html
> </Location>
> then make sure that you have a directory C:/Docs/tpg/indextest, and that 
> it contains an "index.html" file.
> Then request http://hostname/tpg/indextest and see what happens.
> Because this is a sub-location of /tpg, and /tpg is defined to use the 
> "test" handler (supposing it exists), we have to override this if we 
> want Apache to use its normal own code to provide the response for a URL 
> of /tpg/something.
>  From there the "SetHandler none".
> See :
> Also, it would have been impossible for anyone to find this out, if they 
> did not see the full configuration above.
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