Hi all, Is there a way in RewriteEngine to a fool a
coockie to read the contents of another domain whilst you’re on another. My intentions
are: Currently I’ve got in the .htaccess RewriteCond
^www\.[^.]+\.ravenclans\.com$ RewriteRule
%{HTTP_HOST}$1 [C] RewriteRule ^www\.([^.]+)\.ravenclans\.com(.*)
/home/content/d/g/t/dgtnt/html/rgn_main/clans$1$2 #RewriteRule
^www.\ravengames\.com/clans$ The domain assigning works w/o any problems
and I can do it in another way as well, yet, when looking onsite, I can’t log
in nor use the required coockies. The contents of the coockie are coming from
ravenforums.com and it are these contents that I need. This the reason why I want to fool the
coockie I believe that this can be done with
RewriteEngine. Regards. De Gang Thierry --- Email:
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