Hi all, I am running httpd 1.3.37 on Linux as a reverse
proxy server fronting a corporate web portal to the Internet. Lately, I have
seen a rise in client complaints of web pages not loading completely, and when
I check Apache logs I see several messages like the following directly tied to
what the particular user was doing: [Fri Feb 6 16:41:17 2009] [error] [client 11.222.333.444]
(104)Connection reset by peer: proxy: error r eading from https://www.someplace.com/irj/servlet/prt/portal/prtpos/com!252esap!252eportal!252enavigation !252eportallauncher!252edefault!7b!3b1!7d/prttarget/pcd!253aportal_content!252fcom!252ecooper!252efl_coo per_internal!252fcom!252ecooper!252efl_cooper_internal_iviews!252fcom!252ecooper!252eCooperCustomerCente r!252fcom!252ecooper!252eDesktop!252fcom!252ecooper!252eNewCCCDefaultDesktop!252fframeworkPages!252fcom! 252ecooper!252eportal!252eNew_CCC_Light_Framework_Page.com!252esap!252eportal!252elightinnerpage.com!252 ecooper!252eCCCContentAreaLight.content/prteventname/HtmlbEvent/prtroot/com.sap.portal.navigation.portal launcher.default The connection path is Browser -> [SSL] ->
ReverseProxy -> [ProxyPass] -> [SSL] -> AppServer When the reverse proxy is bypassed (ie, accessed from
internal network) we don’t see this issue at all. Feedback I’m
getting from the apps people after comparing TCPDUMP traces is that the reverse
proxy box is resetting connections instead of going through the normal FIN/ACK
handshake process. Although, from the above error log entry, it appears that
it is the app server which is resetting the connection. My questions so far: 1) What is the
above error really telling me? 2) Am I correct
that the connection which was reset was RP -> appserver, and not browser
-> RP? 3) Who is
really resetting the connection, the RP or the app server? 4) This issue
has been seen off and on for the past year, but has become worse in the past
two months. I theorize the problem to be increased traffic / volume-related,
as this reverse proxy also services a few other domains. Is there any
information available on kernel (IP stack) or HTTP parameter tuning for such a
server? 5) I see SSL
config directives that allow me to limit which SSL protocol I will allow from
the client. Is there any way to force the SSL protocol (and even the encryption
method) that I use when ProxyPass opens the socket to my app server? Thanks! Eric C. Webb