the 'user' is coming from mod_auth_kerb . I am going to hack the code (mod_authnz_ldap) to strip off the '@wherever' part . Eric Covener wrote: --------------------------------------------------------------------- The official User-To-User support forum of the Apache HTTP Server Project. SeeOn Wed, Nov 19, 2008 at 2:06 PM, Minson, John M Mr ARMY GUEST <john.minson@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:using 'snoop' I determined that the ldap module is using a uid that looks like this someuser@xxxxxxxxxxx The 'someuser' portion is what is in lDAP . How do I pass just 'someuser' as the uid ?That means your user is typing that into the browsers basic auth prompt. Apache doesn't have a way to manipulate it before running the ldap search -- does that full email address match some other attribute in your LDAP? |