Greetings -
I'm having a great time with this. We're implementing our new infrastructure, which is backended with a san via clustered nfs. Thus, I figured why not do some dynamic configuration, right? Do, I have this code, which is just the vhost include. It's below. When I start the httpd I get :
Syntax error on line 2 of /efs/www/predev/app/apache/2.2.9/conf/extra/httpd-vhosts.conf:
Unknown type 'Apache2::ServerRec' for directive s at /usr/lib64/perl5/site_perl/5.8.8/x86_64-linux-thread-multi/Apache2/ line 197.\n
httpd not running, trying to start
Not so sure where this break is, or even if my config is done correctly. It seems to be pretty basic perl, of which I'm pretty veteran. Does anyone know what's going on ? Here's the
use Sys::Hostname;
use File::Basename;
use Apache2::ServerUtil;
$s = Apache2::ServerUtil->server;
Apache2::ServerUtil->server->add_config(['NameVirtualHost *:80']);
# Get site/configuration paths using hostname()
# Where's cronolog?
# Go through the environments "CONF" directory
# to find out what sites we should load.
@sites=`find /efs/www/$hostname/conf/ -type f`;
foreach $site
$site_name=$hostname . "\." . basename($site);
chomp ($site_name,$site_conf);
# This is the actual Apache Virt Configuration.
# Standard BASE configs are here, site details
# are in the $site_conf file.
if (-e $siteconf){$include="Include $siteconf"}else{$include="";}
Apache2::ServerUtil->server->add_config(['<VirtualHost *:80>',
'ServerName ' . $site_name,
'DocumentRoot "/efs/www/'.$hostname.'/sites/'.$sitename.'/"',
'ErrorLog "|'.$cronolog.' /var/apache/logs/error/'.$sitename.'/%Y-%m-%d.error.log',
'CustomLog "|'.$cronolog.' /var/apache/logs/access/'.$sitename.'/%Y-%m-%d.access.log" combinedio',