I have also tried to
install Apache2-AuthenMSAD-0.02 perl module: Inserting these lines
in /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/000-default: <Directory
/var/www/prova> # Authentication
Realm and Type (only Basic supported) AuthName
"Microsoft Active Directory Authentication" AuthType Basic # Authentication
method/handler PerlAuthenHandler
Apache2::AuthenMSAD # The Microsoft
Active Directory Domain Name must be set # The Active
Directory Server Name will default to the domain. PerlSetVar
MSADDomain MyDomain PerlSetVar
MSADServer MyKdcServer # Require lines can
be any of the following -- any user, one of a list require valid-user #require user joe
mary tom </Directory> But I have this error
on /var/log/apache2/error.log: [Mon Jun 23 11:47:07
2008] [error] access to /prova/index.html failed for “MyIP”,
reason: user - Active Directory Authen Failed I don’t know what
else to do . Ciao Da: I have tried with this conf: <Directory /var/www/prova> #LDAP Authentication
AllowOverride all
AuthName "Autenticazione utente"
AuthType Basic
#AuthLDAPEnabled on
commented because if enabled I have an error when restart apache
AuthBasicAuthoritative off
AuthBasicProvider ldap
AuthLDAPURL ldap://gc2kwive01:389/dc=wind,dc=root,DC=it?sAMAccountName?sub?(objectClass=user)
AuthLDAPBindPassword "My password"
require valid-user </Directory> also changing the port as you suggest, but I have thi error: [Fri Jun 20 09:43:00 2008] [warn] [client]
[26287] auth_ldap authenticate: user windroot\\***** authentication failed; URI
/prova/index.html [LDAP: ldap_simple_bind_s() failed][Invalid credentials] [Fri Jun 20 09:43:00 2008] [error] [client] user windroot\\*****: authentication failure for
"/prova/index.html": Password Mismatch Trying Generic and Simple with ldp (windows) I have
noticed this: res = ldap_simple_bind_s(ld, 'de filippo',
<unavailable>); // v.3 Error <49>: ldap_simple_bind_s() failed:
Credenziali non valide Server error: <empty> res = ldap_bind_s(ld, NULL, &NtAuthIdentity, 128);
// v.3
{NtAuthIdentity: User=*****; Pwd= <unavailable>; domain = 'windroot'.} Authenticated as dn:'*****'. The problem is ldap_simple_bind_s ? If I try to bind via php5 with ldap_connect and
ldap_bind functions, all works fine ! Help me ! ________________________________________ Da: David Dyer-Bennet
[mailto:David.Dyer-Bennet@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] Inviato: giovedì 19 giugno 2008 18.34 A: Oggetto: RE: Apache2 authenticating via
LDAP on Active Directory My question is how to authenticate apache2 via LDAP on
Active Directory. This is my configuration in
/etc/apache2/sites-enabled/000-default: # LDAP Authentication LDAPSharedCacheSize 200000 LDAPCacheEntries 1024 LDAPCacheTTL 600 LDAPOpCacheEntries 1024 LDAPOpCacheTTL 600 <Location /prova>
Options Indexes FollowSymLinks
#AllowOverride None
order allow,deny
Allow from all
AuthType Basic
AuthName "Autenticazione utente"
AuthBasicAuthoritative off
AuthBasicProvider ldap
AuthzLDAPAuthoritative off
require valid-user </Location> But I have this error in /var/log/apache2/error.log: [Thu Jun 19 12:54:30 2008] [warn] [client]
[22817] auth_ldap authenticate: user windroot\\de filippo authentication
failed; URI /prova/index.html [User not found][No such object] [Thu Jun 19 12:54:30 2008] [crit] [client]
configuration error: couldn't check user. No user file?:
/prova/index.html I'm still fighting with some of my Active Directory
authentication needs, but I did get my subversion repository working correctly,
so maybe what I have here will help. AD needs you to bind before it lets you search.
Also, it sometimes segments the information weirdly and uses redirects weirdly,
so you sometimes have to use port 3268 which is a magic merged global view of
the directory. So here's what I have currently working, with obvious
secret stuff overwritten: AuthName " AuthType basic AuthLDAPEnabled on AuthLDAPURL "ldap://dc1.ourinternaldomain.local:3268/dc=pinerivercapital,dc=local?sAMAccountName?sub?(objectClass=user)(objectCategory=person)" # Suitable user with read access AuthLDAPBindDN
"CN=accounttobindwith,OU=Service Accounts,OU= AuthLDAPBindPassword
"itsasecret" # Non-Authoritative lets it also look in
.htpasswd; must config user file AuthLDAPAuthoritative off #AuthLDAPGroupAttributeIsDN on AuthUserFile /home/svn/access/users Require valid-user
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