Hi.I respond above your message this time, just to tell you that you should reply to the list, preferably.
More below. ramya lekha wrote:
Tomcat is running in port 2004 and apache is in 80... I can see both of them running when I type these command:netstat -an | grep 2004 tcp 0 0 *.2004 *.* LISTEN netstat -an | grep 80 tcp 0 0 *.* LISTEN tcp 0 0 *.* LISTEN tcp 0 0 *.8009 *.* LISTEN I am using Unix systems.The information below is the information from the mod_jk.log file:
Ok, thanks. So both your Apache and your Tomcat are running on the same machine. Now try this : from a console window, enter ping localhostyou should get some messages that tell you the target (localhost) is answering. Kill it with CTRL-C.
now try ping spixxl.xxx.com(the DNS name of your server, which you mention in your workers.properties file as
worker.worker1.host=spixxl.xxx.com ) does it also show that it works ? If not, then replace worker.worker1.host=spixxl.xxx.com by worker.worker1.host=localhost restart Apache and Tomcat, and try again. André
[Fri Jun 06 08:17:09 2008] [537996:3223019520] [debug] jk_ajp_common.c (2522): recycling connection pool slot=0 for worker worker1 [Fri Jun 06 08:17:09 2008] [537996:3223019520] [info] mod_jk.c (2364): Service error=0 for worker=worker1 [Fri Jun 06 08:17:19 2008] [534598:3223019520] [debug] jk_shm.c (457): Attached shared memory [5] size=28672 free=28672 addr=0x18000 [Fri Jun 06 08:17:19 2008] [534598:3223019520] [debug] jk_shm.c (471): Reseting the shared memory for child 5 [Fri Jun 06 08:17:19 2008] [534598:3223019520] [debug] jk_shm.c (262): Duplicated shared memory lock /usr/apache/logs/mod_jk.shm.537891.lock [Fri Jun 06 08:17:19 2008] [534598:3223019520] [debug] mod_jk.c (2730): Attached shm:/usr/apache/logs/mod_jk.shm.537891 (28672 bytes) [Fri Jun 06 08:17:19 2008] [534598:3223019520] [debug] mod_jk.c (2740): Initialized mod_jk/1.2.26 [Fri Jun 06 08:17:19 2008] [537328:3223019520] [debug] jk_shm.c (457): Attached shared memory [6] size=28672 free=28672 addr=0x18000 [Fri Jun 06 08:17:19 2008] [537328:3223019520] [debug] jk_shm.c (471): Reseting the shared memory for child 6 [Fri Jun 06 08:17:19 2008] [537328:3223019520] [debug] jk_shm.c (262): Duplicated shared memory lock /usr/apache/logs/mod_jk.shm.537891.lock [Fri Jun 06 08:17:19 2008] [537328:3223019520] [debug] mod_jk.c (2730): Attached shm:/usr/apache/logs/mod_jk.shm.537891 (28672 bytes) [Fri Jun 06 08:17:19 2008] [537328:3223019520] [debug] mod_jk.c (2740): Initialized mod_jk/1.2.26 [Fri Jun 06 08:17:19 2008] [537801:3223019520] [debug] jk_shm.c (457): Attached shared memory [7] size=28672 free=28672 addr=0x18000 [Fri Jun 06 08:17:19 2008] [537801:3223019520] [debug] jk_shm.c (471): Reseting the shared memory for child 7 [Fri Jun 06 08:17:19 2008] [537801:3223019520] [debug] jk_shm.c (262): Duplicated shared memory lock /usr/apache/logs/mod_jk.shm.537891.lock [Fri Jun 06 08:17:19 2008] [537801:3223019520] [debug] mod_jk.c (2730): Attached shm:/usr/apache/logs/mod_jk.shm.537891 (28672 bytes) [Fri Jun 06 08:17:19 2008] [537801:3223019520] [debug] mod_jk.c (2740): Initialized mod_jk/1.2.26 [Fri Jun 06 08:17:22 2008] [537378:3223019520] [debug] mod_jk.c (3033): missing uri map for spixxl.xxx.com:/testapp/test.jsp [Fri Jun 06 08:17:22 2008] [537378:3223019520] [debug] mod_jk.c (3190): missing uri map for spixxl.xxx.com:/testapp/test.jsp [Fri Jun 06 08:17:22 2008] [537378:3223019520] [debug] mod_jk.c (2193): Single worker (worker1) configuration for /testapp/test.jsp [Fri Jun 06 08:17:22 2008] [537378:3223019520] [debug] mod_jk.c (2222): Into handler jakarta-servlet worker=worker1 r->proxyreq=0 [Fri Jun 06 08:17:22 2008] [537378:3223019520] [debug] jk_worker.c (115): found a worker worker1 [Fri Jun 06 08:17:22 2008] [537378:3223019520] [debug] jk_worker.c (323): Maintaining worker worker1 [Fri Jun 06 08:17:22 2008] [537378:3223019520] [debug] jk_ajp_common.c (2652): reached pool min size 1 from 1 cache slots [Fri Jun 06 08:17:22 2008] [537378:3223019520] [debug] jk_ajp_common.c (2661): recycled 0 sockets in 0 seconds from 1 pool slots [Fri Jun 06 08:17:22 2008] [537378:3223019520] [debug] jk_worker.c (292): Found worker type 'ajp13' [Fri Jun 06 08:17:22 2008] [537378:3223019520] [debug] mod_jk.c (888): Service protocol=HTTP/1.1 method=GET host=(null) addr= n$ [Fri Jun 06 08:17:22 2008] [537378:3223019520] [debug] jk_ajp_common.c (2579): acquired connection pool slot=0 [Fri Jun 06 08:17:22 2008] [537378:3223019520] [debug] jk_ajp_common.c (553): ajp marshaling done [Fri Jun 06 08:17:22 2008] [537378:3223019520] [debug] jk_ajp_common.c (2050): processing worker1 with 2 retries [Fri Jun 06 08:17:22 2008] [537378:3223019520] [debug] jk_ajp_common.c (1352): (worker1) all endpoints are disconnected, detected by connect $ [Fri Jun 06 08:17:22 2008] [537378:3223019520] [debug] jk_connect.c (448): socket TCP_NODELAY set to On [Fri Jun 06 08:17:22 2008] [537378:3223019520] [debug] jk_ajp_common.c (1352): (worker1) all endpoints are disconnected, detected by connect $ [Fri Jun 06 08:17:22 2008] [537378:3223019520] [debug] jk_connect.c (448): socket TCP_NODELAY set to On [Fri Jun 06 08:17:22 2008] [537378:3223019520] [debug] jk_connect.c (462): socket SO_KEEPALIVE set to On [Fri Jun 06 08:17:22 2008] [537378:3223019520] [debug] jk_connect.c (513): timeout 60 set for socket=6 [Fri Jun 06 08:17:22 2008] [537378:3223019520] [debug] jk_connect.c (548): trying to connect socket 6 to [Fri Jun 06 08:17:22 2008] [537378:3223019520] [debug] jk_connect.c (574): socket 6 connected to [Fri Jun 06 08:17:22 2008] [537378:3223019520] [debug] jk_ajp_common.c (878): Connected socket 6 to ( <---- Some socket numbers was printed here ------> [Fri Jun 06 08:17:42 2008] [537378:3223019520] [debug] jk_ajp_common.c (1395): (worker1) request body to send 0 - request body to resend 0 [Fri Jun 06 08:18:02 2008] [537378:3223019520] [error] jk_ajp_common.c (1004): (worker1) can't receive the response message from tomcat, tomcat(*:2004) has forced a connection close at socket 6 [Fri Jun 06 08:18:02 2008] [537378:3223019520] [error] jk_ajp_common.c (1766): (worker1) Tomcat is down or refused connection. No response has been sent to the client [Fri Jun 06 08:18:02 2008] [537378:3223019520] [info] jk_ajp_common.c (2186): (worker1) sending request to tomcat failed (recoverable), (attempt=2) [Fri Jun 06 08:18:02 2008] [537378:3223019520] [error] jk_ajp_common.c (2204): (worker1) Connecting to tomcat failed. Tomcat is probably not started or listening in the wrong port [Fri Jun 06 08:18:02 2008] [537378:3223019520] [debug] jk_ajp_common.c (691): (worker1) resetting endpoint with sd = 4294967295 (socket shutdown) [Fri Jun 06 08:18:02 2008] [537378:3223019520] [debug] jk_ajp_common.c (2522): recycling connection pool slot=0 for worker worker1 [Fri Jun 06 08:18:02 2008] [537378:3223019520] [info] mod_jk.c (2364): Service error=0 for worker=worker1 [Fri Jun 06 08:18:02 2008] [537378:3223019520] [debug] jk_ajp_common.c (2522): recycling connection pool slot=0 for worker worker1 [Fri Jun 06 08:18:02 2008] [537378:3223019520] [info] mod_jk.c (2364): Service error=0 for worker=worker1 Thanks Ramya On Fri, Jun 6, 2008 at 12:00 PM, André Warnier <aw@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:add-on : could you also start your Tomcat, and then go into a console or command window, and type this command : netstat -an This should show you all the ports on which something is listening. The interesting lines are the ones near the beginning, that end in the word LISTEN (or LISTENING). Example : on a Linux system, I have an Apache http listening on port 80, and a Tomcat listening on port 8180 (the HTTP port), and on port 8009 (a Connector, just like yours). The output is as follows : tcp6 0 0 :::8009 :::* LISTEN tcp6 0 0 :::80 :::* LISTEN tcp6 0 0 :::8180 :::* LISTEN (the above, originally, is only 3 lines) Tell us also on what kind of system you are running this (Windows, Linux or else), it will help us to help you. André André Warnier wrote:ramya, you say that you attach the logfile, but it is not arriving with this post. That was the same with your first post, remember ? that's why we were telling you that we need more details. Can you resend, and make sure the logfile is attached ? or else, just paste the log messages in your message to the list. Thanks André ramya lekha wrote:Hi, <!-- Define an AJP 1.3 Connector on port 2004 --> <Connector port="2004" enableLookups="false" redirectPort="xxxx" protocol="AJP/1.3" /> whenever I am trying to add the protocol attribute in the connector tag in the server.xml file and start the tomcat server.. its not listening at the specified port.... And when i make this change JkMount /testapp ajp13 JkMount /testapp/* ajp13 or <Location /testapp> SetHandler Jakarta-servlet .. </Location> in the httpd.conf file...but i m still not able to connect to the tomcat server I am attaching the mod_jk.log file along with this mail so that you can know the errors what I get..... Do let me know as to what has to be done.... Thanks Ramya On Thu, Jun 5, 2008 at 5:52 PM, André Warnier <aw@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:ramya lekha wrote: HiI had attached the httpd.conf file along with this mail... The Directory root is set to usr/abcd-web and our application "testapp" is under usr/apache/tomcat/webapp.... So when ever the url spixxl.xxx.com/testapp is called it is searching under usr/abcd-web instead of usr/apache/tomcat/webapp.... The error in the mod_jk.log file is displayed below: [Wed Jun 04 20:51:44 2008] [943571:3223019520] [debug] jk_shm.c (471): Reseting the shared memory for child 6 [Wed Jun 04 20:51:44 2008] [943571:3223019520] [debug] jk_shm.c (262): Duplicated shared memory lock /usr/apache/logs/mod_jk.shm.942337.lock [Wed Jun 04 20:51:44 2008] [943571:3223019520] [debug] mod_jk.c (2730): Attached shm:/usr/apache/logs/mod_jk.shm.942337 (28672 bytes) [Wed Jun 04 20:51:44 2008] [943571:3223019520] [debug] mod_jk.c (2740): Initialized mod_jk/1.2.26 [Wed Jun 04 21:04:16 2008] [943458:3223019520] [debug] mod_jk.c (3033): missing uri map for spixxl.xxx.com:/testapp/test.jsp And the workers.properties I wrote is : # Define some properties workers.tomcat_home=/usr/apache/tomcat workers.java_home=/usr/opt/java141 ps=/ worker.list=worker1 # Set properties for worker1(ajp13) worker.worker1.type=ajp13 worker.worker1.host=spixxl.xxx.com worker.worker1.port=2004 worker.worker1.connection_pool_timeout=600 worker.worker1.socket_keepalive=1 worker.worker1.socket_timeout=60 Do let me know if anything more is needed.. Well, yes probably.1) You should have, in your Apache configuration, some instructions telling Apache which URI's should be handled by mod_jk. Something like JkMount /testapp ajp13 JkMount /testapp/* ajp13 or <Location /testapp> SetHandler Jakarta-servlet .. </Location> 2) in your spixxl.xxx.com Tomcat server.xml configuration, you should have a <Connector> element referencing port 2004 Something like <!-- Define an AJP 1.3 Connector on port 2004 --> <Connector port="2004" enableLookups="false" redirectPort="xxxx" protocol="AJP/1.3" /> From the error message you show, it looks like it's the first item above that may be incorrect. [Wed Jun 04 21:04:16 2008] [943458:3223019520] [debug] mod_jk.c(3033): missing uri map for spixxl.xxx.com:/testapp/test.jsp--------------------------------------------------------------------- To start a new topic, e-mail: users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx To unsubscribe, e-mail: users-unsubscribe@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx For additional commands, e-mail: users-help@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx------------------------------------------------------------------------ --------------------------------------------------------------------- To start a new topic, e-mail: users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx To unsubscribe, e-mail: users-unsubscribe@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx For additional commands, e-mail: users-help@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx--------------------------------------------------------------------- To start a new topic, e-mail: users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx To unsubscribe, e-mail: users-unsubscribe@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx For additional commands, e-mail: users-help@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx--------------------------------------------------------------------- To start a new topic, e-mail: users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx To unsubscribe, e-mail: users-unsubscribe@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx For additional commands, e-mail: users-help@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
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