Rotatelogs, as far as I know, does not delete logs. It merely rotates them. If you want to delete for size, you could do some fancy work with 'ls', cut out the size, compare it to a specific number you want, and then delete it if it is over that size. That seems kludgy though. What I do is use find on the directory and use -ctime +N where 'N' is the number of days you want logs to stick around. Then you can pipe it through |xargs rm -f. This will delete any logs that have been around since N days after creation. -- Thanks, Ben Ricker -------------- I use my cat's name for a password: he is called zo4W*!@n32G+ and I change his name every 60 days. On Jun 5, 2008, at 1:01 AM, Agnello George wrote: