Re: The simplest of questions ...

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you might want to look at a cgi scripts like this one, which i use. It provides an upload/download area.  you will need to configure authentication in apache in case you want security, the script does not do any authentication. i run it on an apache ssl server and use basic auth.

I cant seem to locate the original source. i suspect it is this one - Jeff's Scripts Archive: File Upload - but the domain seems to have expired right now.

anyway i am attaching the script. i have made some very minor changes to make it more useful.

steve wrote:
Hash: SHA1

Tall Paul wrote:
| Well thanks to all the great suggestions I got past the first hurdle. I
| changed the listening port to 8080 and now my webpage can be accessed
| via the net. Now I would like to have the ability to allow people to
| upload and download files, like an online file server. Any ideas about
| that?
| Paul

you can do that now.

create a folder inside your /var/www directory (or whatever the server
root is ) fill it with what you want to serve.  call it with
http://yourservername/yourdirectoryname   you should get a listing of
whatever files you filled the folder with.

get an ftp server going on the same box and create accounts for whoever
you want to upload/download things to specified directories.

- --
Steve Reilly

Version: GnuPG v1.4.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -


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# Ultra simple uploader script.

=head1 NAME upload.cgi

This is an extremely basic, simple uploader script. It does NOT provide
any authentication, you are expected to provide authentication youself
via Apache directives.

This is an ideal solution for intranets or quickly allowing clients/staff
to upload files to your server. For example, you could place it in 
a members area for staff to quickly exchange documents.

It is B<NOT> an ideal solution for public access.

=head1 INSTALL

In a hurry? Installed CGI scripts in the past? look for BEGIN CONFIGURATION
and start from there. 

=over 4

=item drop in cgi-bin

Or wherever your server is configured to run CGI scripts. 

Set it's permissions to 755.

=item Create upload directorie(s)

Create one or more directories to upload into, make sure the server can write
to them. (may need permissions set to 777)

=item Configure Script.

Set up an upload areas and toggle desired features.



There is no warranty expressed nor implied, USE AT YOUR OWN RISK. It
can be dangerous to allow people to upload files to your server. Even
more dangerous to allow pipes.

You must leave the footers in this message. (the link to the geniegate 


Configuration is done by editing a few variables near the
top of this file. The only critical one is %UPLOADS,
which is, where you want the files to go.

(The form can have multiple upload areas, each one labeled)

=over 4


#use strict;
use CGI;

=item %UPLOADS

This is a map of labels to directories (or programs)

Each label is shown on the form within the select box. The directory
is where the file is placed after uploading.

  $UPLOADS{Staff} = '/home/staff/uploads';

Pipes are also supported.

You can specify a pipe instead of a directory, in which
case, the directory is expected to be a program. The program
is then opened, with the file contents piped into it's standard

If a program is used, it's output is sent to the browser
in the form of text. 

Here is how one could upload to the "sort" directory.

  $UPLOADS{Sort_Me} = '|/usr/bin/sort';

In the above example, the file is sorted and sent back to the 

The program has the environment variables C<WANT_FILENAME> 

PIPES are meant to provide a simple web interface to unix commands.


#----------- BEGIN CONFIGURATION -----------------

$UPLOADS{Current} = '.';
# $UPLOADS{Sort} = '|/usr/bin/sort';
# $UPLOADS{Env} = '|/usr/bin/env';
# $UPLOADS{Staff} = '/path/to/staff/dir';


If set to a true value, this script will not run without
a remote_user. This isn't a guarantee of security! it is just meant to
protect against accidental installations.




To use pipes, you need to set this to a TRUE value. This is
a safety measure, designed to prevent accidental pipe usage. 



# Script URI.

#---------------- END OF CONFIGURATION --------------


sub main {
	$cgi = new CGI();
	#$ENV{PATH} = '/bin:/usr/bin';
	my($self) = {};
			return($self->error("This form must be password protected"));
	my($opt) = $cgi->param('ACTION');
	if(! $opt){
		#print $self;
		#print $cgi->script_name;
		$sort = $cgi->param('sort');
	eval {
sub do_upload {
	my($self,$cgi) = (shift,shift);
	my($name) = $cgi->param('NAME') || $cgi->param('FILE');
	my($dir) = $cgi->param('DIR');
	my($upload) = $UPLOADS{$dir};

	my($is_pipe) = 0;
	$name =~ s/\\/\//g;
	$name =~ s/\:/\//g;
	my(@path) = split(/\//,$name);
	$name = pop(@path);
	$name =~ /([^\\\/\:\*\?\"\<\>\|]+)/;
	$name = $1;
	if(! $name){
		die "Must supply a <I>valid filename name</I> (no weird characters)\n";
	if($upload =~ /^\|/){
		die "\$ALLOW_PIPE has not been set" unless($ALLOW_PIPE);
		print "Content-Type: text/plain\n\n";
		$is_pipe = 1;
		$ENV{WANT_FILENAME} = $name;
		$ENV{REMOTE_FILENAME} = $cgi->param('FILE');
		open(OUT,"$upload 2>&1");
	}elsif(-d $upload){
		my($of) = "$upload/$name";
		if(-e $of){
			die "Filename: $name exists, please use another name\n";
		open(OUT,">$of") || die "$of : $!\n";
		die "$dir does not exist";
	my($fh) = $cgi->upload('FILE');
		print OUT;
	close(OUT); # No way to report exit code, we're sending the output to the command. 

	if(! $is_pipe){
		$self->status("Upload of <i>$name</i> OK");

sub status {
	my($self,$msg) = (shift,shift);
	print <<__EOF;
	<div class="box">
		<h1>Upload status</h1>
	<div class="bar">&nbsp;</div>

sub form {
	my($self) = shift;
	my $post = $cgi->script_name;
	foreach $n (keys(%UPLOADS)){
		$opt .= "<option value='$n'>$n</option>";
	print <<__EOF;
	<form class="box" action="$post" method="post"
<h1>Upload File</h1>
<input name="ACTION" value="upload" type="hidden">
<p> <label>Local File</label><input
name="FILE" value="" type="file"> </p>
<p> <label>Remote Name</label><input name="NAME" type="text"> </p>
<p> <label>Directory</label>

			<select name="DIR">$opt</select>
<p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; <input value="Upload" type="submit"> </p>
<p style="text-align: center;"> Select area via the pulldown menu,
optionally provide a new name
and click <i>Upload</i> to upload your file. </p>


sub error {
	my($self,$ermsg) = (shift,shift);
	print "<div class=\"box\">\n";
	print "<h1>Error</h1>\n";
	print "<p><b>$ermsg</b></p>\n";
	print "</div>\n";
sub header {
	print "Content-Type: text/html\n\n";
	my $style = qq(
	body { margin-left: 5%; margin-right: 5%; background-color: #f5f1c4;}
	p { margin-left: 5%; margin-right: 5%; }
	label { margin-left: 5%; padding: 0%; }
	input { position: absolute; left: 50%; }
	form { background-color: #ffefb4; }
	select { position: absolute; left: 50%; }
	.bar { background-color: #b295b1; }
	input[type=SUBMIT] { color: blue; position: absolute; left: 50%; }
	h1 { color: blue; text-align: center; font-size: 14pt; border-bottom-width: 2px; border-bottom-color: blue; border-bottom-style: solid; }
	.box { border-style: solid; border-color: black; margin-top: 5%; margin-bottom: 5%;
		  border-width: 1px; margin-left: 20%; margin-right: 20%; }
	print <<__EOF;
<head><title>File Upload</title>
<div class="bar">&nbsp;</div>
sub footer {

# You MUST leave the advertisement intact! Contact us if you have a problem
# with this, as there are exceptions granted. Clients are permitted to
# remove the ad if they so desire.
print qq(
	<hr />
	<div style="text-align: center">
			Copyright &copy; 2006 
			<a href="";>Jeff's Scripts Archive</a>
	<div style="text-align: center">
		<i>No warranty, expressed or implied. Use at your own risk.</i>
	<br />
#sub sortby($$);
sub dirlist()
	#----------------- Configuration -------------------

	#$htroot = "/www/";    # The location of your html documents (must end in /)
	#$dirroot = "/";       # The toplevel url path... no links to above this
	#$defaultdir = "/";    # the default url path to look in if no arguments --
                      # relative to $dirroot.

	$printsizes = 1;      # print file sizes with the names?
	$printtypes = 1;      # print file kinds with the names?
	$printdates = 1;      # print file mod dates with names?

	$usetables = 1;       # use HTML 3 Tables in output?

#----------------- End Configuration ---------------

#use CGI;

#$q = new CGI;

@months = qw(Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec);

# Choose the directory to list
#$dir = $q->param("keywords");
#$dir = $defaultdir if !$dir;
#while ($dir =~ s%(^|/)\.\.($|/)%%g) {;} # Don't allow listing ..
#$htroot .= "/" if $htroot !~ m%/$%;
#$dirroot .= "/" if $dirroot !~ m%/$%;
my $dir = ".";
$dir .= "/" if $dir !~ m%/$%;

# Try to go to the directory
#chdir ($htroot . $dirroot . $dir) or
#     &fatal ("Cannot list directory $dir: $!");

# We are in the directory.  Now we get the list of files.
#opendir DIR , "$htroot$dirroot$dir";
opendir DIR , ".";

foreach (readdir DIR) {
    ($dev, $ino, $mode, $nlink, $uid, $gid, $rdev, $size,
     $atime, $mtime, $ctime, $blksize, $blocks) = stat $_;
    #next if !$dev;

    next if /^\./;  # Ignore . files
    next if /~$/;   # Ignore emacs backup files
    # Add any extra ignored files here...

    $dates{$_} = $mtime;
    #print $mtime;
    $sizes{$_} = $size;
        $types{$_} = "Directory", last if -d _;
        $types{$_} = "MPEG movie", last if /\.mpg$/i;
        $types{$_} = "Quicktime movie", last if /.mov$/i;
        $types{$_} = "JPEG image", last if /\.jpg$/i;
        $types{$_} = "GIF image", last if  /\.gif$/i;
        $types{$_} = "HTML document", last if /\.html$/i;
        $types{$_} = "CGI program", last if /\.cgi/i;

        # Add any extra file types here...


closedir DIR;

# Output routine ----------------------------

#print "Content-type: text/html\n\n";
$started = 1;

#print <<EOHTML;
#<HEAD><TITLE>Listing of $dir</TITLE></HEAD>
print <<EOHTML;
<H3>Download file $dir</H3>

print "<TABLE>\n" if $usetables;
print '<TR><TD> <A HREF="',$cgi->script_name,'?sort=name">Sort by Name</A><TD><A HREF="',$cgi->script_name,'?sort=type">Sort by Type</A><TD><A HREF="',$cgi->script_name,'?sort=time">Sort by Time</A><TD><A HREF="',$cgi->script_name,'?sort=size">Sort by Size</A></TR>';
#print keys %dates;
foreach (sort sortby keys %dates) {

    print "<TR><TD>\n" if $usetables;
    print "<b>";
        $href=~ s%//%/%g; # remove extra // pairs.
        #print (qq%<A HREF="%, $cgi->script_name, qq%?$href">$_/</A>%), last
        #    if $types{$_} =~ /Directory/i;
        # Add any extra link types here...
        #$href=~ s%//%/%g; # remove extra // pairs.
        print qq%<A HREF="$href">$_</A> %;
    print "</b>";

    $date = (localtime($dates{$_}))[3] .  " " .
        $months[(localtime($dates{$_}))[4]] . " " .
        (localtime($dates{$_}))[5]. " " .
        (localtime($dates{$_}))[2] . ":" .
        sprintf("%02d", (localtime($dates{$_}))[1]);

    $size = $sizes{$_} < (1024)      ?  
                     ($sizes{$_}) . " bytes" : (
            $sizes{$_} < (1024 ** 2) ?
                     (int (10 * $sizes{$_}/1024)/10) . "K" : (
            $sizes{$_} < (1024 ** 3) ?
                     (int (10 * $sizes{$_}/(1024 ** 2) )/10) . "MB" :
                     ((int (10 * $sizes{$_}/(1024 ** 3) )/10) . "GB")));

    print "<TD>" if $printtypes && $usetables;
    print qq% [$types{$_}]% if $printtypes && $types{$_};
    print "<TD>" if $printdates && $usetables;
    print qq% [$date]% if $printdates && $date;
    print "<TD>" if $printsizes && $usetables;
    print qq% [$size]% if $printsizes &&
                 $types{$_} !~ /Directory/i && $size;

    print "<BR>\n" unless $usetables;
    print "</TR>\n" if $usetables;

print "</TABLE>\n" if $usetables;

#($up) = $dir =~ m%([^/]+)/$%;
#$parent = $`;
#($up) = $parent =~ m%([^/]+)/?$%;
#if ($dir ne $dirroot && $parent) {
#    print "<HR>";
#    print qq%<A HREF="%, $q->script_name,
#          qq%?$parent">Up a dir ($up/)</A>%;

#print "</BODY></HTML>\n";
sub sortby {
    #print $cgi->param('sort');
    #print $a,$b;
    return $sizes{$b} <=> $sizes{$a} if $sort =~ /size/;
    return $types{$a} cmp $types{$b} if $sort =~ /type/;
    return $dates{$b} <=> $dates{$a} if $sort =~ /time/;    
    return lc $a cmp lc $b ;

#--------------- Subroutines --------------------------------------

sub fatal {
    #print "Content-type: text/html\n\n" if !$started;

    #print "<TITLE>Error...</TITLE>";
    print "<H2>Error!</H2>";
    print "An error occured while listing this directory.  " .
          "The message was:";
    print "<PRE>@_</PRE>";



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