my $CP = 'C:\PROGRA~1\Perl\bin\perl.EXE -MExtUtils::Command -e cp'; my $CHMOD = 'C:\PROGRA~1\Perl\bin\perl.EXE -MExtUtils::Command -e chmod'; my $RM_F = 'C:\PROGRA~1\Perl\bin\perl.EXE -MExtUtils::Command -e rm_f'; my $TOUCH = 'C:\PROGRA~1\Perl\bin\perl.EXE -MExtUtils::Command -e touch';I might have also tweaked the Apache path on line 46 in a similar fashion; Randy will no doubt know for sure when he compares (I was confident and didn't make a copy).
Mark -------- Original Message --------Subject: Re: Compiling module under Windows for Apache 2.2.4 with APXS.BAT/.PL
From: William A. Rowe, Jr. <wrowe@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> To: users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Date: Thursday, October 04, 2007 12:12:01 AM
Feedback from Randy; fyi modperl@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx is a good place to discuss this. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Subject:Re: Compiling module under Windows for Apache 2.2.4 with APXS.BAT/.PL (fwd)From: Randy Kobes <randy@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> Date: Thu, 4 Oct 2007 01:06:05 -0500 (CDT) To: "William A. Rowe, Jr." <wrowe@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>Hi Bill, I sent this message to the users@httpd list, but I'm not subscribed, so apparently it didn't get through. Could I ask you to forward it to the list? Thanks! -- best regards, Randy ---------- Forwarded message ---------- Date: Wed, 3 Oct 2007 11:31:45 -0500 (CDT) From: Randy Kobes <randy@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> To: users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Subject: Re: Compiling module under Windows for Apache 2.2.4 with APXS.BAT/.PLOn Wed, 3 Oct 2007, William A. Rowe, Jr. wrote:Mark A. Craig wrote:I've been making futile efforts to compile a module, mod_httpbl.c, and not having any luck. I found and installed (or at least think I have) the contents of, with which William/Bill Rowe seems to have had some involvement.Thanks on that are to Randy Kobes :)However, when I try to follow the recommended instructions for compiling this module, it fails with various errors. Along the way I discovered that apxs.bat used a long-filename reference to perl.exe, but it wasn't properly quoted and it was failing to find perl.exe, so I had to actually edit apxs.bat and change the reference to 8.3 format.I think I know where the problems might be with the use of the long-filename reference to perl.exe, but to confirm, could you send me the changes you needed to make it work in that respect? Thanks.-- best regards,Randy Kobes
@rem = '--*-Perl-*-- @echo off if "%OS%" == "Windows_NT" goto WinNT perl -x -S "%0" %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9 goto endofperl :WinNT perl -x -S %0 %* if NOT "%COMSPEC%" == "%SystemRoot%\system32\cmd.exe" goto endofperl if %errorlevel% == 9009 echo You do not have Perl in your PATH. if errorlevel 1 goto script_failed_so_exit_with_non_zero_val 2>nul goto endofperl @rem '; #!C:\Program Files\Perl\bin\perl.EXE -w #line 15 # ==================================================================== # # Copyright 2003-2004 The Apache Software Foundation # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # apxs script designed to allow easy command line access to Apache # configuration parameters. require 5.003; use strict; package apxs; use File::Copy; use File::Spec::Functions; ## ## Configuration ## my %config_vars = (); my $installbuilddir = 'C:\PROGRA~1\APACHE~1\Apache2.2\build'; get_config_vars("$installbuilddir/",\%config_vars); # read the configuration variables once my $prefix = get_vars('prefix'); my $CFG_PREFIX = $prefix; my $exec_prefix = get_vars('exec_prefix'); my $datadir = get_vars('datadir'); my $localstatedir = get_vars('localstatedir'); my $CFG_TARGET = get_vars('progname'); my $progname = get_vars('progname'); my $CFG_SYSCONFDIR = get_vars('sysconfdir'); my $CFG_SYSCONF = get_vars('sysconf'); my $CFG_CFLAGS = join ' ', map { get_vars($_) } qw(SHLTCFLAGS CFLAGS NOTEST_CPPFLAGS EXTRA_CPPFLAGS EXTRA_CFLAGS); my $includedir = get_vars('includedir'); my $CFG_INCLUDEDIR = $includedir; my $libdir = get_vars('libdir'); my $CFG_LIBDIR = $libdir; my $CFG_CC = get_vars('CC'); my $CFG_LD = get_vars('LD'); my $CFG_LDFLAGS = get_vars('LDFLAGS'); my $libexecdir = get_vars('libexecdir'); my $CFG_LIBEXECDIR = $libexecdir; my $sbindir = get_vars('sbindir'); my $CFG_SBINDIR = $sbindir; my $ltflags = $ENV{LTFLAGS}; my $apr_libname = get_vars('APR_LIBNAME'); my $aprutil_libname = get_vars('APRUTIL_LIBNAME'); $ltflags or $ltflags = '--silent'; my %internal_vars = map {$_ => 1} qw(TARGET CC CFLAGS CFLAGS_SHLIB LD_SHLIB LDFLAGS_SHLIB LIBS_SHLIB PREFIX SBINDIR INCLUDEDIR LIBEXECDIR SYSCONFDIR SYSCONF); my $CP = 'C:\PROGRA~1\Perl\bin\perl.EXE -MExtUtils::Command -e cp'; my $CHMOD = 'C:\PROGRA~1\Perl\bin\perl.EXE -MExtUtils::Command -e chmod'; my $RM_F = 'C:\PROGRA~1\Perl\bin\perl.EXE -MExtUtils::Command -e rm_f'; my $TOUCH = 'C:\PROGRA~1\Perl\bin\perl.EXE -MExtUtils::Command -e touch'; ## ## parse argument line ## # defaults for parameters my $opt_n = ''; my $opt_g = ''; my $opt_c = 0; my $opt_o = ''; my @opt_D = (); my @opt_I = (); my @opt_L = (); my @opt_l = (); my @opt_W = (); my @opt_S = (); my $opt_e = 0; my $opt_i = 0; my $opt_a = 0; my $opt_A = 0; my $opt_q = 0; my $opt_h = 0; my $opt_p = 0; my $opt_v = 0; my $opt_d = 0; # this subroutine is derived from Perl's with the enhancement of # the "+" metacharacter at the format string to allow a list to be built by # subsequent occurrences of the same option. sub Getopts { my ($argumentative, @ARGV) = @_; my $errs = 0; local $_; local $[ = 0; my @args = split / */, $argumentative; while (@ARGV && ($_ = $ARGV[0]) =~ /^-(.)(.*)/) { my ($first, $rest) = ($1,$2); if ($_ =~ m|^--$|) { shift @ARGV; last; } my $pos = index($argumentative,$first); if ($pos >= $[) { if ($pos < $#args && $args[$pos+1] eq ':') { shift @ARGV; if ($rest eq '') { unless (@ARGV) { error("Incomplete option: $first (needs an argument)"); $errs++; } $rest = shift(@ARGV); } eval "\$opt_$first = \$rest;"; } elsif ($pos < $#args && $args[$pos+1] eq '+') { shift @ARGV; if ($rest eq '') { unless (@ARGV) { error("Incomplete option: $first (needs an argument)"); $errs++; } $rest = shift(@ARGV); } eval "push(\@opt_$first, \$rest);"; } else { eval "\$opt_$first = 1"; if ($rest eq '') { shift(@ARGV); } else { $ARGV[0] = "-$rest"; } } } else { error("Unknown option: $first"); $errs++; if ($rest ne '') { $ARGV[0] = "-$rest"; } else { shift(@ARGV); } } } return ($errs == 0, @ARGV); } sub usage { print STDERR <<'END'; Usage: apxs -g [-S <var>=<val>] -n <modname> apxs -q [-v] [-S <var>=<val>] <query> ... apxs -c [-S <var>=<val>] [-o <dsofile>] [-D <name>[=<value>]] [-I <incdir>] [-L <libdir>] [-l <libname>] [-Wc,<flags>] [-Wl,<flags>] [-p] <files> ... apxs -i [-S <var>=<val>] [-a] [-A] [-n <modname>] <dsofile> ... apxs -e [-S <var>=<val>] [-a] [-A] [-n <modname>] <dsofile> ... END exit(1); } # option handling my $rc; ($rc, @ARGV) = &Getopts("qn:gco:I+D+L+l+W+S+eiaApvd", @ARGV); &usage if ($rc == 0); &usage if ($#ARGV == -1 and not $opt_g and not $opt_q); &usage if (not $opt_q and not ($opt_g and $opt_n) and not $opt_i and not $opt_c and not $opt_e); # argument handling my @args = @ARGV; my $name = 'unknown'; $name = $opt_n if ($opt_n ne ''); if (@opt_S) { my ($opt_S); foreach $opt_S (@opt_S) { if ($opt_S =~ m/^([^=]+)=(.*)$/) { my ($var) = $1; my ($val) = $2; my $oldval = eval "\$CFG_$var"; unless ($var and $oldval) { print STDERR "apxs:Error: no config variable $var\n"; &usage; } eval "\$CFG_${var}=\"${val}\""; } else { print STDERR "apxs:Error: malformatted -S option\n"; &usage; } } } ## ## Initial shared object support check ## my $httpd = catfile get_vars("sbindir"), get_vars("progname"); my $envvars = catfile get_vars("sbindir"), "envvars"; #allow apxs to be run from the source tree, before installation if ($0 =~ m:support/apxs$:) { ($httpd = $0) =~ s:support/apxs$::; } unless (-f $httpd) { error("$httpd not found or not executable"); exit 1; } sub get_config_vars{ my ($file, $rh_config) = @_; open IN, $file or die "cannot open $file: $!"; while (<IN>){ if (/^\s*(.*?)\s*=\s*(.*)$/){ $rh_config->{$1} = $2; } } close IN; } sub get_vars { my $result = ''; my $ok = 0; my $arg; foreach $arg (@_) { if (exists $config_vars{$arg} or exists $config_vars{lc $arg}) { my $val = exists $config_vars{$arg} ? $config_vars{$arg} : $config_vars{lc $arg}; $val =~ s/[()]//g; $result .= $val if defined $val; $result .= ";;"; $ok = 1; } if (not $ok) { if (exists $internal_vars{$arg} or exists $internal_vars{lc $arg}) { my $val = exists $internal_vars{$arg} ? $arg : lc $arg; $val = eval "\$CFG_$val"; $result .= $val if defined $val; $result .= ";;"; $ok = 1; } if (not $ok) { error("Invalid query string `$arg'"); exit(1); } } } $result =~ s|;;$||; # $result =~ s|:| |; return $result; } ## ## Operation ## # helper function for executing a list of # system command with return code checks sub execute_cmds { my (@cmds) = @_; my ($cmd, $rc); foreach $cmd (@cmds) { notice($cmd); $rc = system $cmd; if ($rc) { error(sprintf "Command failed with rc=%d\n", $rc << 8); exit 1 ; } } } if ($opt_g) { ## ## SAMPLE MODULE SOURCE GENERATION ## if (-d $name) { error("Directory `$name' already exists. Remove first"); exit(1); } my $data = join('', <DATA>); $data =~ s!__END__.*!!s; $data =~ s|%NAME%|$name|sg; $data =~ s|%PROGNAME%|$progname|sg; $data =~ s|%SYSCONF%|$CFG_SYSCONF|sg; $data =~ s|%PREFIX%|$prefix|sg; $data =~ s|%INSTALLBUILDDIR%|$installbuilddir|sg; my ($mkf, $src) = ($data =~ m|^(.+)-=\#=-\n(.+)|s); notice("Creating [DIR] $name"); mkdir $name or die "Cannot mkdir $name: $!"; notice("Creating [FILE] $name/Makefile"); open(FP, ">${name}/Makefile") or die "Cannot open ${name}/Makefile: $!"; print FP $mkf; close(FP); notice("Creating [FILE] $name/mod_$name.c"); open(FP, ">${name}/mod_${name}.c") || die; print FP $src; close(FP); notice("Creating [FILE] $name/.deps"); open(FP, ">${name}/.deps") or die "Cannot open ${name}/.deps: $!"; close(FP); exit(0); } if ($opt_q) { ## ## QUERY INFORMATION ## my $result; if ($#args >= 0) { $result = get_vars(@args); print "$result\n"; } else { # -q without var name prints all variables and their values # Additional -v pretty-prints output if ($opt_v) { # Variable names in alphabetic order my @vars = sort {uc($a) cmp uc($b)} keys %config_vars; # Make the left column as wide as the longest variable name my $width = 0; foreach (@vars) { my $l = length $_; $width = $l unless ($l <= $width); } foreach (@vars) { printf "%-${width}s = %s\n", $_, $config_vars{$_}; } } else { # Unprettified name=value list foreach (keys %config_vars) { print "$_=$config_vars{$_}\n"; } } } } my $apr_bindir = get_vars("APR_BINDIR"); my $apu_bindir = get_vars("APU_BINDIR"); my $apr_includedir = qq{-I"$prefix/include"}; my $apu_includedir = qq{-I$"prefix/include"}; if ($opt_c) { ## ## SHARED OBJECT COMPILATION ## # split files into sources and objects my @srcs = (); my @objs = (); my $f; foreach $f (@args) { if ($f =~ m|\.c$|) { push(@srcs, $f); } else { push(@objs, $f); } } # determine output file my $dso_file; if ($opt_o eq '') { if ($#srcs > -1) { $dso_file = $srcs[0]; $dso_file =~ s|\.[^.]+$|.so|; } elsif ($#objs > -1) { $dso_file = $objs[0]; $dso_file =~ s|\.[^.]+$|.so|; } else { $dso_file = ""; } } else { $dso_file = $opt_o; } # create compilation commands my @cmds = (); my $opt = ''; my ($opt_Wc, $opt_I, $opt_D); foreach $opt_Wc (@opt_W) { $opt .= "$1 " if ($opt_Wc =~ m|^\s*c,(.*)$|); } foreach $opt_I (@opt_I) { $opt .= qq{ /I"$opt_I" }; } foreach $opt_D (@opt_D) { $opt .= qq{ /D "$opt_D" }; } my $cflags = "$CFG_CFLAGS"; if ($opt_d) { $cflags =~ s!NDEBUG!DEBUG!; $cflags .= ' /Zi'; $cflags =~ s!/MD !/MDd !; } my $s; my $mod; foreach $s (@srcs) { my $slo = $s; $slo =~ s|\.c$|.slo|; my $lo = $s; $lo =~ s|\.c$|.lo|; my $la = $s; $la =~ s|\.c$|.la|; my $o = $s; $o =~ s|\.c$|.o|; push(@cmds, qq{$CFG_CC $cflags -I"$CFG_INCLUDEDIR" $opt /c /Fo$lo $s}); unshift(@objs, $lo); } # create link command my $o; my $lo; $opt = ''; foreach $o (@objs) { $lo .= " $o"; } my ($opt_Wl, $opt_L, $opt_l); foreach $opt_Wl (@opt_W) { if ($CFG_CC !~ m/gcc$/) { $opt .= " $1" if ($opt_Wl =~ m|^\s*l,(.*)$|); } else { $opt .= " -W$opt_Wl"; } } foreach $opt_L (@opt_L) { $opt .= qq{ /libpath:"$opt_L" }; } foreach $opt_l (@opt_l) { $opt_l .= '.lib' unless ($opt_l =~ /\.lib$/); $opt .= " $opt_l"; } if ($opt_p == 1) { $opt .= " ".$aprutil_libname." ".$apr_libname; } else { my $apr_ldflags; $opt .= " $apr_ldflags"; } my $ldflags = "$CFG_LDFLAGS"; if ($opt_d) { $ldflags .= ' /debug'; } push(@cmds, "$CFG_LD $ldflags /out:$dso_file $opt $lo"); my $manifest = $dso_file . '.manifest'; push(@cmds, "if exist $manifest mt.exe /manifest $manifest /outputresource:$dso_file;#2"); # execute the commands &execute_cmds(@cmds); # allow one-step compilation and installation if ($opt_i or $opt_e) { @args = ( $dso_file ); } } if ($opt_i or $opt_e) { ## ## SHARED OBJECT INSTALLATION ## unless (-d $CFG_LIBEXECDIR) { die "Directory $CFG_LIBEXECDIR not found"; } # determine installation commands # and corresponding LoadModule/AddModule directives my @lmd = (); my @amd = (); my @cmds = (); my $f; foreach $f (@args) { my $end = qr{(\.so|\.la)$}; if ($f !~ m!$end!) { error("file $f is not a shared object"); exit(1); } my $t = $f; $t =~ s|^.+/([^/]+)$|$1|; $t =~ s|\.la$|\.so|; (my $libf = $f) =~ s!$end!.lib!; (my $libt = $t) =~ s!$end!.lib!; (my $pdbf = $f) =~ s!$end!.pdb!; (my $pdbt = $t) =~ s!$end!.pdb!; if ($opt_i) { push(@cmds, "$CP $f $CFG_LIBEXECDIR"); push(@cmds, "$CHMOD 755 $CFG_LIBEXECDIR\\$t"); if (-f $libf) { push(@cmds, "$CP $libf $CFG_LIBDIR"); push(@cmds, "$CHMOD 755 $CFG_LIBDIR\\$libt"); } if ($opt_d and -f $pdbf) { push(@cmds, "$CP $pdbf $CFG_LIBEXECDIR"); push(@cmds, "$CHMOD 755 $CFG_LIBEXECDIR\\$pdbt"); } } # determine module symbolname and filename my $filename = ''; if ($name eq 'unknown') { $name = ''; my $base = $f; $base =~ s|\.[^.]+$||; if (-f "$base.c") { open(FP, "<$base.c"); my $content = join('', <FP>); close(FP); if ($content =~ m|.*module\s+(?:AP_MODULE_DECLARE_DATA\s+)?([a-zA-Z0-9_]+)_module\s*=\s*.*|s) { $name = "$1"; $filename = "$base.c"; $filename =~ s|^[^/]+/||; } } if ($name eq '') { if ($base =~ m|.*mod_([a-zA-Z0-9_]+)\..+|) { $name = "$1"; $filename = $base; $filename =~ s|^[^/]+/||; } } if ($name eq '') { error("Sorry, cannot determine bootstrap symbol name"); error("Please specify one with option `-n'"); exit(1); } } if ($filename eq '') { $filename = "mod_${name}.c"; } my $dir = $CFG_LIBEXECDIR; $dir =~ s|^$CFG_PREFIX/?||; $dir =~ s|(.)$|$1/|; $dir =~ s|\\|/|g; $t =~ s|\.la$|.so|; push(@lmd, sprintf("LoadModule %-18s %s", "${name}_module", qq{"$dir$t"})); push(@amd, sprintf("AddModule %s", $filename)); } # execute the commands &execute_cmds(@cmds); # activate module via LoadModule/AddModule directive if ($opt_a or $opt_A) { if (not -f "$CFG_SYSCONFDIR/$CFG_SYSCONF") { error("Config file $CFG_SYSCONFDIR/$CFG_SYSCONF not found"); exit(1); } open(FP, "<$CFG_SYSCONFDIR/$CFG_SYSCONF") || die "Cannot open $CFG_SYSCONFDIR/$CFG_SYSCONF: $!"; my $content = join('', <FP>); close(FP); if ($content !~ m|\n\#?\s*LoadModule\s+|) { error("Activation failed for custom $CFG_SYSCONFDIR/$CFG_SYSCONF file."); error("At least one `LoadModule' directive already has to exist."); exit(1); } my $lmd; my $c = ''; $c = '#' if ($opt_A); foreach $lmd (@lmd) { my $what = $opt_A ? "preparing" : "activating"; if ($content !~ m|\n\#?\s*$lmd|) { # check for open <containers>, so that the new LoadModule # directive always appears *outside* of an <container>. my $before = ($content =~ m|^(.*\n)\#?\s*LoadModule\s+[^\n]+\n|s)[0]; # the '()=' trick forces list context and the scalar # assignment counts the number of list members (aka number # of matches) then my $cntopen = () = ($before =~ m|^\s*<[^/].*$|mg); my $cntclose = () = ($before =~ m|^\s*</.*$|mg); if ($cntopen == $cntclose) { # fine. Last LoadModule is contextless. $content =~ s|^(.*\n\#?\s*LoadModule\s+[^\n]+\n)|$1$c$lmd\n|s; } elsif ($cntopen < $cntclose) { error('Configuration file is not valid. There are sections' . ' closed before opened.'); exit(1); } else { # put our cmd after the section containing the last # LoadModule. my $found = $content =~ s!\A ( # string and capture start (?:(?: ^\s* # start of conf line with a (?:[^<]|<[^/]) # directive which # does not # start with '</' .*(?:$)\n # rest of the line. # the '$' is in parentheses # to avoid misinterpreting # the string "$\" as # perl variable. )* # catch as much as possible # of such lines. (including # zero) ^\s*</.*(?:$)\n? # after the above, we # expect a config line with # a closing container (</) ) {$cntopen} # the whole pattern (bunch # of lines that end up with # a closing directive) must # be repeated $cntopen # times. That's it. # Simple, eh? ;-) ) # capture end !$1$c$lmd\n!mx; unless ($found) { error('Configuration file is not valid. There are ' . 'sections opened and not closed.'); exit(1); } } } else { # replace already existing LoadModule line $content =~ s|^(.*\n)\#?\s*$lmd[^\n]*\n|$1$c$lmd\n|s; } $lmd =~ m|LoadModule\s+(.+?)_module.*|; notice("[$what module `$1' in $CFG_SYSCONFDIR\\$CFG_SYSCONF]"); } my $amd; foreach $amd (@amd) { if ($content !~ m|\n\#?\s*$amd|) { $content =~ s|^(.*\n\#?\s*AddModule\s+[^\n]+\n)|$1$c$amd\n|sg; } else { $content =~ s|^(.*\n)\#?\s*$amd[^\n]*\n|$1$c$amd\n|sg; } } if (@lmd or @amd) { my $conf = catfile $CFG_SYSCONFDIR, $CFG_SYSCONF; my $conf_new = $conf . '.new'; my $conf_bak = $conf . '.bak'; if (open(FP, '>', $conf_new)) { print FP $content; close(FP); copy($conf, $conf_bak) or die "Backup of $conf failed: $!"; copy($conf_new, $conf) or die "Copying $conf_new to $conf failed: $!"; unlink $conf_new or die "Removing $conf_new failed: $!"; } else { notice("unable to open configuration file $conf_new"); } } } } sub error{ print STDERR "apxs:Error: $_[0].\n"; } sub notice{ print STDERR "$_[0]\n"; } ##EOF## __DATA__ ## ## Makefile -- Build procedure for sample %NAME% Apache module ## Autogenerated via ``apxs -n %NAME% -g''. ## builddir=. top_srcdir=%PREFIX% top_builddir=%PREFIX% # the used tools APXS=apxs APACHECTL=%PROGNAME% -k # additional defines, includes and libraries #DEFS=-Dmy_define=my_value #INCLUDES=-Imy/include/dir #LIBS=-Lmy/lib/dir -lmylib # the default target all: local-shared-build # install the shared object file into Apache install: install-modules # cleanup clean: -@erase mod_%NAME%.lo mod_%NAME%.ilk mod_%NAME%.lib mod_%NAME%.exp mod_%NAME%.pdb # simple test test: reload GET http://localhost/%NAME% # install and activate shared object by reloading Apache to # force a reload of the shared object file reload: install restart # the general Apache start/restart/stop # procedures start: $(APACHECTL) start restart: $(APACHECTL) restart stop: $(APACHECTL) stop -=#=- /* ** mod_%NAME%.c -- Apache sample %NAME% module ** [Autogenerated via ``apxs -n %NAME% -g''] ** ** To play with this sample module first compile it into a ** DSO file and install it into Apache's modules directory ** by running: ** ** $ apxs -c -i mod_%NAME%.c ** ** Then activate it in Apache's %SYSCONF% file for instance ** for the URL /%NAME% in as follows: ** ** # %SYSCONF% ** LoadModule %NAME%_module modules/ ** <Location /%NAME%> ** SetHandler %NAME% ** </Location> ** ** Then after restarting Apache via ** ** $ apachectl restart ** ** you immediately can request the URL /%NAME% and watch for the ** output of this module. This can be achieved for instance via: ** ** $ lynx -mime_header http://localhost/%NAME% ** ** The output should be similar to the following one: ** ** HTTP/1.1 200 OK ** Date: Tue, 31 Mar 1998 14:42:22 GMT ** Server: Apache/1.3.4 (Unix) ** Connection: close ** Content-Type: text/html ** ** The sample page from mod_%NAME%.c */ #include "httpd.h" #include "http_config.h" #include "http_protocol.h" #include "ap_config.h" /* The sample content handler */ static int %NAME%_handler(request_rec *r) { if (strcmp(r->handler, "%NAME%")) { return DECLINED; } r->content_type = "text/html"; if (!r->header_only) ap_rputs("The sample page from mod_%NAME%.c\n", r); return OK; } static void %NAME%_register_hooks(apr_pool_t *p) { ap_hook_handler(%NAME%_handler, NULL, NULL, APR_HOOK_MIDDLE); } /* Dispatch list for API hooks */ module AP_MODULE_DECLARE_DATA %NAME%_module = { STANDARD20_MODULE_STUFF, NULL, /* create per-dir config structures */ NULL, /* merge per-dir config structures */ NULL, /* create per-server config structures */ NULL, /* merge per-server config structures */ NULL, /* table of config file commands */ %NAME%_register_hooks /* register hooks */ }; __END__ :endofperl
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