There are commercial tools from Mercury and BMC that will monitor a web sites health, but they aren't cheap. If you simply want to see if its alive, you could use an application server to send an HTTP request like GET / and test to make sure you get a response and that the status is 200 ok and if it doesnt respond or sends something other than 200 Ok the process could e-mail or page someboday. I wouldn't use the same application server that sits behind Apache to monitor apache.
----- Original Message ----
From: Red al tubor <redouane.redhat@xxxxxxxxx>
To: users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Sent: Wednesday, May 23, 2007 4:14:53 PM
Subject: httpd.conf
And we have 3 Apache instance?? can we let the client see our error page when the server stop responding??? i don't know exactly but is there any way to control the issue by providing an error page to the clients like " The server busy" or " Please wait 30 minutes and reconnect to our site"...??? hope guys that there is a solution
Anyway any good solution to monitor the httpd process (the Application Server)???
Thanks in advance guys