I found the problems with mod_mem_cache under load. I am going to look into mod_disk_cache as per your suggestion. I hope mod_disk_cache does better. Thanks for all the help, Joshua.
On 9/1/06,
apacheuser123@xxxxxxx <
apacheuser123@xxxxxxx> wrote:
> Thanks Joshua. My apache setup talks to tomcat using mod_ajp. One last
> question on the behavior of Apache. Say, there is a page that is in the
> cache which has expired. A client makes a request for that page. Apache
> looks in the cache, finds that the content has expired so contacts tomcat to
> fetch a fresh page. Lets say that the fetch takes 10 secs. In those 10 secs,
> if there are additional requests for that same page would apache send all
> those requests to tomcat increasing the load on tomcat ?
This particular topic has been actively discussed on the dev list of
late. I believe that, indeed, you will get all the requests passed
back until the first request has finished caching. I don't remember
sure if there is a fix in the works for that or not.
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