Hi On 8 juin 06, at 15:21, Joshua Slive wrote:
<LimitExcept GET> Deny from env....(BlockBrowser AND BlockReferer) Deny from env=BlockCountry </LimitExcept>BrowserMatch "^$" BlockBrowser=1 SetEnvIf Referer "^$" BlockReferer=1 SetEnvIf BlockBrowser ^1$ GoAway SetEnvIf BlockReferer ^1$ GoAway Deny from env=GoAway But it would be easier just to set the GoAway variable in the original BrowserMatch/SetEnvIf if you don't need those specific variables elsewhere.
I don't think this can work, if BlockBrowser=1 then you set GoAway, if BlockReferer=1 then you set GoAway. If I deny from env=GoAway, then I deny from BlockBrowser OR from BlockReferer. I want to deny only if both BlockBrowser AND BlockReferer are set.
But you give me an idea to work with. I'm going to try: SetEnv GoAway 1 BrowserMatch !"^$" !GoAway SetEnvIf Referer !"^$" !GoAway Deny from env=GoAwaySo, if I'm correct, GoAway is set, then if BrowserMatch is good GoAway is unset, if SetEnvIf Referer is good GoAway is unset, is GoAway is still set, the deny is triggered.
Does it look ok ? Patrick PRONIEWSKI -- Administrateur Système - SENTIER - Université Lumière Lyon 2
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