On Win2k, I had to use the syntax with the fully
qualified pathname in it -- i.e. your ...
php5_module "C:/Installs/WebTools/PHP/php5apache2.dll"
... looks right to me as long as php5apache2.dll is
actually in the directory you have specified :)
For Apache 2.2 my syntax is
LoadModule php5_module
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Tuesday, May 30, 2006 6:52 AM
Subject: RE: [users@httpd] Getting Apache
to use PHP under Window XP
Have been trying a few things
more and actually noticed what may be a key difference in the error msgs
logged. When I use the entry: LoadModule php5_module
modules/php5apache2.dll It returns the error --> The specified procedure
could not be found. .
When I use the full path
to the original file as: With or without the quotes, it returns --> The
specified module could not be found. .
only difference in the structure of the error message is that one uses the
word MODULE and the other uses PROCEDURE.
Is it probable that these are
two distinct issues, one not able to open the file and the other, not
liking what it sees (or doesn't see) after it is opened??
T. Griffin
-----Original Message----- From: Martyn Griffin
[mailto:griffinmt@xxxxxxxxxxx] Sent: Tuesday, May 30, 2006 9:01 AM To:
users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Subject:
RE: [users@httpd] Getting Apache to use PHP under Window XP
The problem
is with the php interface module. But, just to make sure, I put a copy into
the windows folder and retried, to no avail.
Is it possible I have an
access issue. I am running on XP Home. If so, how do I alter that. Since
this is an internal Lan system, I could open up everything for now.
Martyn T. Griffin
-----Original Message----- From:
WDaquell [mailto:wdaquell@xxxxxxxxx] Sent: Tuesday, May 30, 2006 12:24
AM To: users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Subject:
Re: [users@httpd] Getting Apache to use PHP under Window XP
Have you
tried putting PHP.ini in your Windows folder? I had to do that before PHP
would work on my system.
Martyn Griffin
wrote: > Overview: > > I am trying to change the
httpd.conf file to add the LoadModule > command for PHP
V5.1.4. > > The instructions indicate to make a reference to the
.dll file (not an > .SO file). > Here is the line that was
added: > > LoadModule php5_module
modules/php5apache2.dll > > The dll file has been moved to the
Apache2.2 modules folder for this > attempt. > > After
apache startup fails, the Application Event log contains an > error msg
with the following: > > The Apache service named reported
the following error: > >>>> httpd.exe:
Syntax error on line 70 of C:/Program Files/Apache >>>>
Software >>>>
> Foundation/Apache2.2/conf/httpd.conf: Cannot load C:/Program >
Files/Apache Software Foundation/Apache2.2/modules/php5apache2.dll >
into server: The > specified procedure could not be
found. . > > Apache works as expected
without this line added (but without any PHP > support) and PHP itself
works (though not thoroughly tested). > > Also, a system
environment variable (PHPRC) was set to point to the > folder
containing the PHP.ini file. > > No doubt, I will need to supply
more info, but was hoping someone > might just have the answer at the
tip of their tongue :^) > > Martyn T.
Griffin > > /snip