check :
ifconfig -a
setting in httpd.conf ->
change it to ip:80
try httpd -k start
if not corrected try next
kill dhclient session (or os
start dhclient again
check for ip change
was ip static defined or dynamic (dhcp)
start httpd -k start
if not corrected
check domain settings
{sorry for late respond}
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Monday, December 05, 2005 2:24
Subject: Re: [users@httpd] Re: a series
problem!!! [not series but SERIOUS pay attention please]
Server version: Apache/2.0.55
everything seems ok when i
trying to start apache. but i cant display any page on server.
errors are listed below :
root@localhost# apachectl start root@localhost # apachectl
Looking up localhost Making HTTP connection to
localhost Alert!: Unable to connect to remote host.
lynx: Can't
access startfile http://localhost/server-status root@localhost#
i try to see a page on server get the error : cannot connect to http://localhost dont know what went
wrong. cos before 2 or 3 hours ago there was no error. i just tried to
upgrade my system with the cvsup command.
and theres no firewall
restriction. for telnet everything seems ok:
root@localhost# telnet
localhost 80 Trying ::1... Connected to
anyone had same problem with apache before