On 11/8/05, Devendra Singh <dee.ess@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> But, the problem is that when I try to access
> http://ds.india.noida/dstest.html the SSI
> /mycomps/testsuccess.html also gets parsed from the Front Apache.
Or, in other words, subrequests are not getting proxied.
> RewriteEngine On
> RewriteRule \.(gif|jpg|png|txt|css|js|ico|swf)$ [OR]
> RewriteRule !\/mycomps\/.* - [last]
> RewriteRule ^/(.*)$ http://ds.india.noida:8080/$1 [proxy]
This looks quite bogus to me. As far as I know, there is no [OR]
option to RewriteRule. And you shouldn't be escaping forward slashes
in your regex. I'm surprised this works at all.
On the original problem of subrequests and proxies, I don't recall
whether or not this works correctly. I imagine it should.