Using "Options All" under 2.054 does not give you everything explicitly. You need to define +FollowSymLinks in order to be able to traverse SymLinks. Same as if you want to explicitly allow CGI with +ExecCGI. That should work for you.
~~John Aldrich
From: Forrest Aldrich <forrie@xxxxxxxxxx>
Reply-To: users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
To: users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [users@httpd] Proper configuration of FollowSymLinks in 2.0.54
Date: Thu, 08 Sep 2005 17:53:30 -0400
What is the proper way to configure FollowSymLinks in 2.0.54?
I'm having a problem getting this to work at all - after reading the manual, searching for examples, it seems fairly straightforward; however, every combination I try fails with: Symbolic link not allowed.
I am suspicious that I've hit a bug, and actually filed a bug report, to which detractors insist there is no bug.
I tried a stripped-down httpd.conf that has basically this:
DocumentRoot /usr/local/www/data:
<Directory />
Options All
The symlink is in the DocumentRoot as:
files -> /usr/local/shares/directory
I tried specifying the directory in different ways:
<Direcotory "/files">
<Direcotry "/usr/local/www/data/files">
<Directory "/usr/local/shares/files">
the last option isn't valid, but I tried it anyway.
This does *not* work, and I'm completely puzzled.
What's more, the same configuration works fine under 1.3.x, using just a Directory pointer to /symlinkname.
I'd appreciate some clarification/examples of how to do this properly under 2.0.54.