Hi, yes, the load is steadily increasing.
Thank you,
Joe Holzhaus

Production Engineering
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From: Deepak Goel <deicool@xxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Wednesday, February 7, 2024 7:38 AM
To: users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: [users@httpd] AH10224: tunnel timed out
On Wed, 7 Feb 2024, 01: 40 Holzhaus,Joe, <holzhaus. joe@ heb. com. invalid> wrote: Hi, We are using it as a proxy server to just pass thru data. We started
getting this message about a month ago and not able to track down the culprit and
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We are using it as a proxy server to just pass thru data. We started getting this message about a month ago and not able to track down the culprit and not sure how to stop it.
Has the load on the server increased since past 1 month?
Any troubleshooting tips would be helpful.
[2024-02-06 13:48:08.496806] [proxy_connect:error] [pid: 6724:tid 140736959809280] : : [client <ip address>:<Port>] AH10224: tunnel timed out" , referrer
httpd[21141]: {"@timestamp":"2024-02-06 07:32:18.452521","@version":"1","logsource":"apache_error","logsourcetype":"apache","logidx":"idxPENGprod","environment":"prod","servergroup":"021","module":"proxy_connect","level":"error","pid":"18564","tid":"140737018558208","source_file":"","APR":"","client":"<ip
address>:<port>","referer":"","user_agent":"Go-http-client/1.1","request_id":"UabYmg4qwVU","connection_id":"","keep_alive_no":"0","message":"AH10224: tunnel timed out"}
Thank you,
Joe Holzhaus