[Mon Apr 24 10:28:03.720807 2023] [ssl:trace3] [pid 211328:tid 140542335710784] ssl_engine_kernel.c(2213): [client xx.xx.xx.xx:53049] OpenSSL: Loop: before SSL initialization
[Mon Apr 24 10:28:03.720819 2023] [ssl:debug] [pid 211328:tid 140542335710784] ssl_engine_kernel.c(2425): [client xx.xx.xx.xx:53049] AH02645: Server name not provided via TLS extension (using default/first virtual host)
[Mon Apr 24 10:28:03.720947 2023] [ssl:debug] [pid 211328:tid 140542335710784] ssl_util_stapling.c(826): AH01951: stapling_cb: OCSP Stapling callback called
[Mon Apr 24 10:28:03.720961 2023] [ssl:debug] [pid 211328:tid 140542335710784] ssl_util_stapling.c(866): AH01952: stapling_cb: retrieved cached certificate data
[Mon Apr 24 10:28:03.721053 2023] [ssl:debug] [pid 211328:tid 140542335710784] ssl_util_stapling.c(341): AH01930: stapling_get_cached_response: cache miss
[Mon Apr 24 10:28:03.721059 2023] [ssl:debug] [pid 211328:tid 140542335710784] ssl_util_stapling.c(875): AH01954: stapling_cb: renewing cached response
[Mon Apr 24 10:28:03.721080 2023] [ssl:debug] [pid 211328:tid 140542335710784] ssl_util_stapling.c(341): AH01930: stapling_get_cached_response: cache miss
[Mon Apr 24 10:28:03.721088 2023] [ssl:debug] [pid 211328:tid 140542335710784] ssl_util_stapling.c(897): AH03238: stapling_cb: still must refresh cached response after obtaining refresh mutex
[Mon Apr 24 10:28:03.721092 2023] [ssl:debug] [pid 211328:tid 140542335710784] ssl_util_stapling.c(502): AH01938: stapling_renew_response: querying responder
[Mon Apr 24 10:28:03.721196 2023] [ssl:debug] [pid 211328:tid 140542335710784] ssl_util_ocsp.c(97): [client xx.xx.xx.xx:53049] AH01973: connecting to OCSP responder 'xx.xx.xx.xx:41233'
[Mon Apr 24 10:28:03.721257 2023] [ssl:debug] [pid 211328:tid 140542335710784] ssl_util_ocsp.c(125): [client xx.xx.xx.xx:53049] AH01975: sending request to OCSP responder
[Mon Apr 24 10:28:03.726650 2023] [ssl:debug] [pid 211328:tid 140542335710784] ssl_util_ocsp.c(235): [client xx.xx.xx.xx:53049] AH01981: OCSP response header: Content-type: application/ocsp-response
[Mon Apr 24 10:28:03.726669 2023] [ssl:debug] [pid 211328:tid 140542335710784] ssl_util_ocsp.c(235): [client xx.xx.xx.xx:53049] AH01981: OCSP response header: Content-Length: 2273
[Mon Apr 24 10:28:03.726674 2023] [ssl:debug] [pid 211328:tid 140542335710784] ssl_util_ocsp.c(283): [client xx.xx.xx.xx:53049] AH01987: OCSP response: got 2273 bytes, 2273 total
[Mon Apr 24 10:28:03.728109 2023] [ssl:debug] [pid 211328:tid 140542335710784] ssl_util_stapling.c(575): AH01942: stapling_renew_response: query response received
[Mon Apr 24 10:28:03.728502 2023] [ssl:error] [pid 211328:tid 140542335710784] AH02969: stapling_check_response: response has certificate status revoked (reason: n/a) for serial number 1001
[Mon Apr 24 10:28:03.728530 2023] [ssl:error] [pid 211328:tid 140542335710784] AH01929: stapling_cache_response: OCSP response session store error!
[Mon Apr 24 10:28:03.728535 2023] [ssl:error] [pid 211328:tid 140542335710784] AH01945: stapling_renew_response: error caching response!
[Mon Apr 24 10:28:03.728541 2023] [ssl:debug] [pid 211328:tid 140542335710784] ssl_util_stapling.c(905): AH03040: stapling_cb: success renewing response
[Mon Apr 24 10:28:03.728545 2023] [ssl:debug] [pid 211328:tid 140542335710784] ssl_util_stapling.c(917): AH01956: stapling_cb: setting response
[Mon Apr 24 10:28:03.728559 2023] [ssl:trace3] [pid 211328:tid 140542335710784] ssl_engine_kernel.c(2213): [client xx.xx.xx.xx:53049] OpenSSL: Loop: SSLv3/TLS read client hello
[Mon Apr 24 10:28:03.728739 2023] [ssl:trace3] [pid 211328:tid 140542335710784] ssl_engine_kernel.c(2213): [client xx.xx.xx.xx:53049] OpenSSL: Loop: SSLv3/TLS write server hello
[Mon Apr 24 10:28:03.728790 2023] [ssl:trace3] [pid 211328:tid 140542335710784] ssl_engine_kernel.c(2213): [client xx.xx.xx.xx:53049] OpenSSL: Loop: SSLv3/TLS write change cipher spec
[Mon Apr 24 10:28:03.728802 2023] [ssl:trace3] [pid 211328:tid 140542335710784] ssl_engine_kernel.c(2213): [client xx.xx.xx.xx:53049] OpenSSL: Loop: TLSv1.3 write encrypted extensions
[Mon Apr 24 10:28:03.728817 2023] [ssl:trace3] [pid 211328:tid 140542335710784] ssl_engine_kernel.c(2213): [client xx.xx.xx.xx:53049] OpenSSL: Loop: SSLv3/TLS write certificate request
[Mon Apr 24 10:28:03.729100 2023] [ssl:trace6] [pid 211328:tid 140542335710784] ssl_engine_io.c(218): [client xx.xx.xx.xx:53049] bio_filter_out_write: 4096 bytes