On Thu, Feb 3, 2022 at 11:15 AM alchemist vk <alchemist.vk@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Hi All,
> I have set of url which needs to proxied and its working fine. Below is the configuration of the same.
> ProxyPassMatch ^/(abcd) unix:/run/testserver/http.socket|http://localhost .
> Here any request which starts with abcd are getting proxied to testserver service and content getting served fine as expected.
> But I have one URL '/abcd/base/content.yaml' which needs to served statically instead of routing it to testserver service. But somehow, I am not able to serve it statically and always getting 404.
> Tried as below but not worked:
> Alias " /abcd/base/content.yaml " "/usr/local/www/abcd/base/content.yaml" .
Before the proxypassmatch: ProxyPass /abcd/base/content.yaml !
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