Yes I have sky broadband package with their max broad band offering.
To point to and setup to any of the three dynamic dns supplier
if you go to your router admin page
then menu options Advanced --> Dynamic DNS
I was coding a website a while back and
To view the results of the browser on my phone , tablet and my large screen tv
I had to open port
sudo ufw allow 8080.
On the *.nix or ubuntu the default is to close port.
That was the issue again sudo ufw allow 80
more details on port configuration
SKY Port forwarding instructions
The other step was to update httpd.conf
I think that was it really.
next mission is to move the Apache on the strawberry Pi on the same network.
using VNC.
so far the apr-1.7.0/ has .configure , make , make install ok.
wish me luck with the apache compiling
-----Original Message-----
From: 😉 Good Guy 😉 <xfsgpr@xxxxxxxxxxx>
To: users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Sent: Wed, 28 Apr 2021 16:47
Subject: Re: LAN to WAN access: SOLVED
On 28/04/2021 07:22, back Button wrote:
> I believe I have access now from outside via Apache using the
> <>
I believe you too. Now we look forward to reading your blog about how
you managed to do this!.
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