Hi! Currently I am trying to auditlog the Apache webserver which acts as a load balancer to receive the http request from users laptop through browser (Client IP address) and reverse proxied the request to other frontend/backend
server (remote IP address) where the actual applications are hosted. In Apache server, I am trying to capture the logs for each request : Client IP address and remote forward/backend server IP address with port number.
When I tried CustomLogformat to get the client address with %a. But Is it possible to get the remote IP address in CustomLogformat ? Also I tried the Errorlog for remote IP address. it works, but it returns multiple lines for each http request. I want to achieve in single line something like : “Client IP Address -> load balancer Address -> frontend/backend server (remote IP address)” Your help will be much appreciable!! Thanks in advance Regards, Sathish Vijayan Det här e-postmeddelandet kan innehålla personuppgifter om dig som sändare eller mottagare samt om andra personer. Information om hur vi på Tre behandlar personuppgifter finns att läsa på www.tre.se/gdpr. |
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