Hi Wendell, I tend to use Apache configuration for blocking, a mix of hosts and also IP’s. Sometimes it’s as easy as blocking say '*.ru' as it’s highly improbable that some English company has a Russian suffix (I could be wrong of course, but if they DO they prob have a UK based website too..). You have to be careful though if you have say two genuine Russian companies you do business with (for example) to 'Require' their domain/IP address. Hostnames is sometimes better… sometimes IP ranges. A mix of both seems a good idea. 'GREP' command will come in really useful perhaps 'PIPED' with ’SORT' to sift through so many IP’s to at least first group them and so break down into smaller chunks the work. There are many sites that can help too: Not forgetting the great (no, honestly) manual pages of Apache that you can enable through Apache configurations contained in httpd.conf and the 'extra' directory so you can access through your site(s), much quicker and easier to navigate. For example I can type 'open http::/manual' from my terminal, and I’m instantly there in the manual home index page. Hope this helps, have a nice day. Angel Scotland
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