Without knowing exactly how your setup is configured, my guess is the issue is that when you authenticate the first time to the remote site whatever auth logic it's using that is not being persistent for your connection or repeat requests. Typically this would be a cookie, you authenticate successfully, the site gives you a cookie with some session ID in it, with each request you send that cookie and it references a valid session so it does not make you re-authenticate. That cookie from the site could be set with specific parameters, what hosts or domains are valid for it (when should the browser send this cookie with requests to those hosts/domains), what it can be used for (HTTPonly is common), expiration date, whether the browser should only send the cookie for secure connections, etc.
My guess is whatever that logic is, it's not getting back to the browser so the browser either doesn't have, or isn't sending, whatever the site wants to see to show that you already have a valid session.
Commonly this could happen if you are accessing a site by a different name, if you access '
coolsite.example.com' and that hits your proxy, ends up fetching content from '
othersite.foo.org', then whatever cookies the '
othersite.foo.org' site puts in the response, they should make it back to the originating browser (will be in the response header), but they will be for '
othersite.foo.org' and your browser will reject them because they will come in a reponse to a request for '
coolsite.example.com', if your browser did save them it still wouldn't use them for the next request because the name on them would be for '
othersite.foo.org' so it would dutifully only send those cookies to requests to that site (which you wouldn't be doing, you'd be going to '
If you turn on debugging (all modern browsers have this) or use a HTTP capture local proxy (if running Windows then Fiddler Tool is very good) you can see these transactions happen and see exactly what was sent and received from the browser's perspective.
That's how I would start debugging at least.
If that is the problem..then how to fix that (which is pseudo faking out the browser) would be to rewrite/modify the 'set-cookie' command as it comes from the remote server in the response and change the host/domain value in it to match what you actually went to. I believe that can be done as part of mod_rewrite but I don't have a lot of experience doing that.
Good luck.