Hello Bob, Richar and Mark,
Thank you for your response.
I'm not sure what you mean by "successfully logged in" into your router.
As I said, I've registered a free domain name on
NoIP.com, I had to configure dynamic DNS in my router to synchronize my external/public IP (since it is dynamic in nature) with my registered domain name automatically. So i meant that configuration was successful.
Your router will need to support NAT to translate your local IP address
to the one on the Internet.
I'm using TP-Link 300M Wireless N Router, Model No. TL-WR841N / TL-WR841ND.
I hope this supports NAT.
sudo tcpdump -i enp2s0 -vvvSXn port 80
I'm not sure which parameters I need to change here according to my system. I just ran the same command and got output as
tcpdump: enp2s0: No such device exists
(SIOCGIFHWADDR: No such device)
It's my home network, and have dynamic IP address. But I've updated the IP address which I got from google search "what is my ip", while forwarding the port.