Hi Kory,2018-01-18 5:53 GMT+01:00 Kory Wheatley <kory.wheatley@xxxxxxxxx>:When someone types to go to http://sftpinterface/deptblogs/ or a link I need it to redirect to http://intranet/template_departments.cfm. Which I was able to accomplish in the index.php header content with<?php/* Redirect browser */ header("Location: http://intranet/template_departments.cfm");/* Make sure that code below does not get executed when we redirect. */exit;?>But the problem is all pages underneath http://sftpinterface/deptblogs redirect to http://intranet/template_departments.cfm. Like I don't want http://sftpinterface/deptblogs/nursing to be redirected to http://intranet/template_departments.cfm. I want it to stay on that page along with the others. Only http://sftpinterface/deptblogs or http://sftpinterface/deptblogs/index.php needs to be redirect to http://intranet/template_departments.cfm and not the sub directory sites underneath /deptblogs. What's the possible way of doing this. have you checked https://httpd.apache.org/docs/current/mod/mod_alias.html#redirectmatch ?Luca
When someone types to go to http://sftpinterface/deptblogs/ or a link I need it to redirect to http://intranet/template_departments.cfm. Which I was able to accomplish in the index.php header content with<?php/* Redirect browser */ header("Location: http://intranet/template_departments.cfm");/* Make sure that code below does not get executed when we redirect. */exit;?>But the problem is all pages underneath http://sftpinterface/deptblogs redirect to http://intranet/template_departments.cfm. Like I don't want http://sftpinterface/deptblogs/nursing to be redirected to http://intranet/template_departments.cfm. I want it to stay on that page along with the others. Only http://sftpinterface/deptblogs or http://sftpinterface/deptblogs/index.php needs to be redirect to http://intranet/template_departments.cfm and not the sub directory sites underneath /deptblogs. What's the possible way of doing this.