but Jail is important for many apache users, in layer of security, when a user send files to remote server.
--2018-01-16 12:00 GMT-02:00 Luca Toscano <toscano.luca@xxxxxxxxx>:Hi Rodrigo,2018-01-16 14:51 GMT+01:00 Rodrigo Cunha <rodrigo.root.rj@xxxxxxxxx>:Hi everyone,I have a problem with setup sftp access.My sftp user can't jaule.I configure setup with this procedures: But when i setup my user webmaster in group sftponly my client is not work.
Any feedback would be greatly appreciated.TksYou have probably got the wrong list, this is for the Apache httpd webserver :)LucaAtenciosamente,
Rodrigo da Silva CunhaSão Gonçalo, RJ - Brasil