That's odd because default behaviour is to add X-Forwarded-For,
ProxyAddHeaders is the default even if you don't specify it. It should
be there.
Try adding it to LogFormat with:
Also try to log request headers reaching your backend and show logs.
This is not a config issue if you are not disabling ProxyAddHeaders
2017-11-07 19:44 GMT+01:00 Surendhar Thallapelly <surendhar.t1241@xxxxxxxxx>:
> Hi Konstantin,
>> Hi Team,
>> I configured apache http web server to redirect incoming WEBSERVICE call
>> to
>> another backend application server, X-Forwarded-For is missing(webserver
>> ip)
>> in backend call.
>> I have configured below in my webserver httpd.conf file.
>> ProxyPass /TestProject
>> ProxyPassReverse /TestProject
> 1. Version of Apache HTTP server = ? 2.2 & 2.4 both of versions it didn't
> work
> 2. What is your configuration of ProxyAddHeaders directive?
> proxyaddheaders
> ProxyAddHeaders On
> I also enabled
> LoadModule proxy_module modules/
> LoadModule proxy_http_module modules/
> X-Forwarded-Host is working showing in my backend call, only X-Forwarded-For
> is missing. I am also attaching my complete http.conf(2.4 version) file for
> your review, please review and help me.
> Thanks,
> Surendhar
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IT Specialist
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