Hi Folks,
Sorry to bother you.
My website is using apache at Dreamhost.
I'm authenticating using a require valid-user at .htaccess
But I need to add more directives to authenticate the access by Referer.
If the user comes from a specific referer, the user doesn't have to receive the authentication box and bypass the authentication.
Is that possible?
My .htaccess file is:
AuthName "My Security Area"
AuthType Basic
AuthUserFile /myusersfilepath/
require valid-user
ErrorDocument 401 /error.html
I'd like to add authentication by Referer
if Referer or host domain.the extension then there is no need for authentication
the user goes in with the authentication box.
Can you help with that?
Thanks in advance and waiting for your response
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Dhampada - Twin Verses.