Hi Yann/Eric,
Is it possible to change the timeout value of the session cache (SSLSessionCacheTimeout) to:
now(current time) + timeout., every time a new request is submitted or a new refresh happens.
This will be an additional option which can be externally enabled in the conf file by users, if needed to extend the timeout.
I am trying to implement it in the below way in socache_shmcb.c in the function shmcb_subcache_retrieve
- Get the decoded session cache as in apache 2.2
- Set the time for the session using SSLsession_set_time
- Add the time out value to now
- Set this as the time for idx->expires to newer now value
This works very well with apache 2.2 anb every time the session is reused until expiry time becomes(now + 60).
However apache 2.4 doesn't seem to work well with these changes.
Please can you suggest if this can be made to work and if you have any pointers please?