On Wed, Feb 15, 2017 at 12:46 PM, Daniel Gruno <humbedooh@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:On 02/15/2017 11:31 AM, Andrei Ivanov wrote:
> Hi,
> I have a requirement to check incoming requests, something that would be
> succinctly expressed this way:
> <Location />
> Require expr "%{REMOTE_ADDR} in %{SSL_CLIENT_SAN_IPaddr}"
> </Location>
> This would check that the request IP address is among the IP addresses
> in the client certificate.
> Unfortunately, this doesn't work:
> 1. SSL_CLIENT_SAN_IPaddr is not exposed by mod_ssl, but I've switched to
> mod_nss, which exports it
> 2. The _expression_ evaluation engine doesn't know how to evaluate this
> kind of _expression_
> 3. I've tried using mod_lua for the _expression_, but it can't access this
> kind of environment variables (and the SSL specific only if exposed by
> mod_ssl, not other modules, like mod_nss)
Have you tried using a rewriterule hack to pass the var?
RewriteRule .* - [E=sanip:%{SSL:SSL_CLIENT_SAN_IPaddr}]
that would expose it in mod_lua as r.subprocess_env['sanip'], provided
mod_nss actually exposes it.Good idea, it... almost works (btw, I'm also discussing this topic on the mod_nss list):Did a quick index.php with a phpinfo() inside it and this is what I get for variables:
_SERVER["SSL_CLIENT_SAN_Email_1"]=<redacted> So they are present.But this still only works for emails, not IPs:
RewriteRule .* - [E=san_email:%{SSL:SSL_CLIENT_SAN_Email_0}]
RewriteRule .* - [E=san_ip:%{SSL:SSL_CLIENT_SAN_IPaddr_0}] And the Lua part:
r:emerg("san_ip: " .. (r.subprocess_env['san_ip'] or "N/A"));
r:emerg("san_email: " .. (r.subprocess_env['san_email'] or "N/A"));With the associated log:Just an empty string for san_ip :-(
[Wed Feb 15 18:54:10.357313 2017] [lua:emerg] [pid 19109] [client] san_ip:
[Wed Feb 15 18:54:10.357504 2017] [lua:emerg] [pid 19109] [client] san_email: <redacted>I don't know what else to do to debug this and understand why the IP doesn't get there.
> I have ran out of ideas on what to try.
> Please help.
> Thank you.