Hi Luca,
On Mon, May 23, 2016 at 2:21 PM, Luca Toscano <toscano.luca@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> I replied to the comment that you pointed out with Jim's answer and I
> updated the trunk documentation with a note about DNS resolution:
> http://httpd.apache.org/docs/trunk/mod/mod_proxy.html#workers
> HTML diff only:
> http://svn.apache.org/viewvc/httpd/httpd/trunk/docs/manual/mod/mod_proxy.html.en?r1=1745170&r2=1745169&pathrev=1745170
I don't think this is correct.
When disablereuse is true (including the default workers), the DNS
resolution occurs for each connection.
But when mod_proxy is reusing connections (including addresses), each
worker/backend address is resolved only once per child process, and
reused for all further connections (until the child is recycled).
AIUI, this is not related to the TTL.
>From ap_proxy_determine_connection():
* Worker can have the single constant backend adress.
* The single DNS lookup is used once per worker.
* If dynamic change is needed then set the addr to NULL
* inside dynamic config to force the lookup.
AFAICT, nothing sets "addr to NULL" anywhere in httpd, that would be
racy anyway.
There is indeed a worker 'is_address_reusable' flag distinct from
'disablereuse', but it is not exposed to the admin and seems to be
internally mapped to 'disablereuse'.
I have a patch which introduces 'addressTTL' if one is interested, but
it's not that simple because it addresses the race locklessly (and
leaklessly :), thus with refcounting, address pool...
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