Files where directives are defined do not matter at all, what matters is the "Context" in which they are placed, that is server config, virtualhost, directory, etc, If you look at the official docs all directives have a specific context in which they can be used.
Debian includes the files in /etc/apache2/mods-enabled, not mods-available. If mods-enabled/ssl.conf is a symlink to mods-available/ssl.conf, it will be included in apache2.conf.You haven't specified which version of Debian or Apache you use, but in Apache 2.4, the line in apache2.conf looks like this:IncludeOptional mods-enabled/*.confAs far as which config takes precedence, it isn't so simple. Have a look at the manual here: YOn Thu, Mar 3, 2016 at 5:31 PM, schnappiwololo@xxxxxxxxx.INVALID <schnappiwololo@xxxxxxxxx.invalid> wrote:Hello All,Apache options like "SSLProtocol", "SSLCipherSuite", and "HonorCipherOrder" among others can be put in both /etc/apache2/apache2.conf (Debian based) or etc/apache2/mods-available/ssl.conf (or even the virtual host configuration file).
Which location should these server wide SSL settings be optimally/conventionally placed (ssl.conf or apache2.conf)? Furthermore and more importantly if the settings conflict in these two files/ locations which setting/file takes precedence?Thanks.
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