With Apache, I searched to deny access to all *.php URL in a subdirectory. I succeed with this in .htaccess :
Order deny,allow
Allow from All
<Files ~ "^.*\.php$">
Deny from All
But now, I want to add a extra access for one single URL who was denied. I made a lot of test but a obtained only no effect or "error 500" for example with this :
Order deny,allow
Allow from All
<Directory "/home/site/www/repertoire1/repertoire2/">
<Files "fichier.php">
Allow from All
<Files ~ "^.*\.php$">
Deny from All
this .htaccess is in "repertoire1" and the URL I want to allow is http://example.com/repertoire1/repertoire2/fichier.php
I cannot put files in the directory "repertoire2" then I want to put all access rules in one single .htaccess file
Thank you for everyone that can help me to understand how the access rules work.
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