Have you considered using a connector like mod_jk to connect to the servlet container?
Kurt Bremser
AMOS Austria
Newton was wrong. There is no gravity. The Earth sucks.
Von: Sandeep HS [hssandeep16@xxxxxxxxx] Gesendet: Donnerstag, 7. Mai 2015 13:38 An: users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Betreff: "Service temporarily unavailable" [wd-vc] Hi ,
We have query related to Apache(httpd)-Tomcat communication and following are the details. *Our configuration:* We have a web based tool where request to Tomcat service is send through apache using proxy. i.e., when some one selects a service on web page, apache acts as an interface where it forwards the request to Tomcat and then send back response from tomcat to web interface. *Apache configuration:* ProxyPass /reqheader/* https://localhost:PORT_X/reqheader/* ProxyPassReverse /reqheader/* https://localhost:PORT_X/reqheader/* Here PORT_X port is used by tomcat service. *Query:* When apache is trying to connect to backend server Tomcat at port PORT_X, Sometimes that request fails and we get "Service temporarily unavailable" message. When "Service temporarily unavailable" issue is hit, we are seeing following below message in error_log [Mon Apr 20 14:45:06 2015] [error] (239)Connection refused: proxy: HTTPS: attempt to connect to (localhost) failed [Mon Apr 20 14:45:06 2015] [error] ap_proxy_connect_backend disabling worker for (localhost) By the error message it seems that whenever apache is trying to connect to tomcat at port PORT_X and if there is no service running at this port then this issue is hit. I have tried to use retry=0 for PassProxy and it did not resolve the issue. i.e, ProxyPass /reqheader https://localhost:PORT_X/reqheader retry=0 *Below are my questions, can you please clarify*. 1. what can cause this issue? 2. How to identify exact root cause? 3. If this is known issue, is there any fix(configuration parameter or patch ) available? Also, please provide any reference documents for the same Thanks, Sandeep AMOS Austria GmbH 1130 Wien, Hietzinger Kai 101-105 FN 365014k, Handelsgericht Wien UID: ATU 66614737 http://www.allianz.at ******************************************************** Dieses E-Mail und allfaellig daran angeschlossene Anhaenge enthalten Informationen, die vertraulich und ausschliesslich fuer den (die) bezeichneten Adressaten bestimmt sind. Wenn Sie nicht der genannte Adressat sind, darf dieses E-Mail samt allfaelliger Anhaenge von Ihnen weder anderen Personen zugaenglich gemacht noch in anderer Weise verwertet werden. Wenn Sie nicht der beabsichtigte Empfaenger sind, bitten wir Sie, dieses E-Mail und saemtliche angeschlossene Anhaenge zu loeschen. Please note: This email and any files transmitted with it is intended only for the named recipients and may contain confidential and/or privileged information. If you are not the intended recipient, please do not read, copy, use or disclose the contents of this communication to others and notify the sender immediately. Then please delete the email and any copies of it. Thank you. ******************************************************** |
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