Hi everyone, I write to the community because I'm loosing my hairs on SSL conf and multi VHost. Here is the context. I'm working on CentOS 6.6 an apache 2.2. I have multiples httpS VHosts : * domain.tld * sub0.domain.tld * sub1.domain.tld * sub2.domain.tld Each of those vhost were working with a self signd certificate. Running all of those site through web browser cause no special problem once the exception has been added in the browser. Recently I decided to add a true signed certificate for the domain.tld. It's a guenine mono domain certificate and Global sugn gave me 2 certificates, the main on and the intermediate one. I've setted up the VHosts successfully and whatever the browser the site is correctly recognized....UNTIL... I strat browsing all ather vhosts that are subdomain of the main one. All the website are no more trusted at all and impossible to force the exception on the SSL. Once I reste the self cigned certificate on the vhost domain.tld, clear cache and delete certificates exceptions everything works fine. I don't see something special in logs, Itried with or without Selinux, mod_security, etc... Any tips/advice would be appreciated. regards |