After implementing Apache 2.4 and PHP-FPM with the default settings we found that our system cpu usage went up significantly over what mod_php used for the same amount of web test traffic from "ab"
So we read a bit about tuning PHP-FPM and from this page …
We decided to put this …
ProxyPassMatch ^/(.*\.php(/.*)?)$ unix:/var/run/php-fpm/php-fpm.sock|fcgi://
into the httpd.conf file. In order to use the unix domain socket (UDS) approach as a possible solution to reducing the big spike in cpu usage.
However we get this error when do a configtest on Apache …
AH00526: Syntax error on line 431 of /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf:
ProxyPass URL must be absolute!
Any suggestions on the above error?
Any tips on tuning Apache/PHP-FPM ?