apxs resides in the "bin" directory of the apache install tree (eg /usr/local/apache/bin) Kurt Bremser AMOS Austria Newton was wrong. There is no gravity. The Earth sucks. ________________________________________ Von: Smith, Burton [Burton.Smith@xxxxxxxxxxxx] Gesendet: Mittwoch, 3. September 2014 23:23 An: users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Betreff: **SPAM?** RE: AJP Errors? [wd-vc] Rainer, I got after it again. >-----Original Message----- >From: Rainer Jung [mailto:rainer.jung@xxxxxxxxxxx] >Sent: Saturday, August 30, 2014 3:12 AM >Am 28.08.2014 um 22:39 schrieb Smith, Burton: >> -----Original Message----- >>> From: Rainer Jung [mailto:rainer.jung@xxxxxxxxxxx] >>> Sent: Tuesday, August 26, 2014 2:37 AM >>> First: Since your Apache version 2.2.15 is pretty old and mod_jk had >>> many improvements in the last years, I suggest that you check your mod_jk version and consider upgrading to > latest. > >> I thought I would start with the upgrades. Yum pulled httpd-tools.x86_64 0:2.2.15-31.el6_5 without mod_ssl and >mod_jk. I figured out the SSL part. Can you recommend how to correct the JK? > >It is possible that your linux distribution doesn't provide current mod_jk packages. But building mod_jk is very >simple. > >- You need to have gcc installed >- You need to have httpd and the httpd headers (httpd-dev?) installed > >- Then you download the source release from http://tomcat.apache.org/download-connectors.cgi. Current version > is 1.2.40. > >- You extract the tarball and change into sub directory "native". > >- You run "./configure --with-apxs=/path/to/my/apxs" where you replace /ath/to/my/apxs with the full path to your > httpd apxs (or apxs2) command > I'm hung up on apxs. I can't find one. Where should I look next? --- Thanks, Burton L. Smith --------------------------------------------------------------------- To unsubscribe, e-mail: users-unsubscribe@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx For additional commands, e-mail: users-help@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx AMOS Austria GmbH 1130 Wien, Hietzinger Kai 101-105 FN 365014k, Handelsgericht Wien UID: ATU 66614737 http://www.allianz.at ******************************************************** Dieses E-Mail und allfaellig daran angeschlossene Anhaenge enthalten Informationen, die vertraulich und ausschliesslich fuer den (die) bezeichneten Adressaten bestimmt sind. Wenn Sie nicht der genannte Adressat sind, darf dieses E-Mail samt allfaelliger Anhaenge von Ihnen weder anderen Personen zugaenglich gemacht noch in anderer Weise verwertet werden. Wenn Sie nicht der beabsichtigte Empfaenger sind, bitten wir Sie, dieses E-Mail und saemtliche angeschlossene Anhaenge zu loeschen. Please note: This email and any files transmitted with it is intended only for the named recipients and may contain confidential and/or privileged information. If you are not the intended recipient, please do not read, copy, use or disclose the contents of this communication to others and notify the sender immediately. Then please delete the email and any copies of it. Thank you. ******************************************************** --------------------------------------------------------------------- To unsubscribe, e-mail: users-unsubscribe@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx For additional commands, e-mail: users-help@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
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