Using a config like this
<Proxy balancer://cd107d9706d71153bafd4ab15f1c6b5d>
BalancerMember http://backend.example.local status=-SE
ServerName frontend.example.local
SSLProxyEngine On RequestHeader set X-Forwarded-Proto http
<Location /helloworld/>
ProxyPass ! ProxyPassReverse !
</Location> <Location />
ProxyPass balancer://cd107d9706d71153bafd4ab15f1c6b5d ProxyPassReverse balancer://cd107d9706d71153bafd4ab15f1c6b5d
should I not expect requests to /helloworld/ to be mapped to the files being served directly from frontend.example.local instead of being proxied away to backend.example.local ? In other words, backend.example.local should not even see that request.