my customer has an apache 1.3 (packed in oracle apps), which has a weird situation:
server-status?auto gives very different numbers in "Total Accesses" between subsequent executions. For example, when I run it once, I get:
Total Accesses: 2603345828
Total kBytes: 18283321
CPULoad: 1769.96
Uptime: 444860
ReqPerSec: 5852.06
BytesPerSec: 42085.4
BytesPerReq: 7.19156
BusyServers: 18
IdleServers: 0
Scoreboard: .K F ...........
and one minute later I get:
Total Accesses: 3307582906
Total kBytes: 17513157
CPULoad: 1775.71
Uptime: 444920
ReqPerSec: 7434.11
BytesPerSec: 40307.2
BytesPerReq: 5.42193
BusyServers: 18
IdleServers: 0
Scoreboard: .K e ........
Note that while Total kBytes decreased, Total Accesses increased by 704237078. To me this looks like a bug in mod_status. Also this number implies 11737284 request/sec which is not inline with ReqPerSec (and not very likely anyway).
Can anyone direct me to a better explanation or a bug documentation?