Hello there,I'll try to explain my issue as clearly as possible.My architecture looks like this :some web space <---> outside server (apache server) <---> application serverI've defined a VirtualHost on some outside server ip:port and then some location inside this VHost. This configuration hosts 2 different locations to be redirected on 2 different applciations on the application server (App1 and App2). Both application are 2 different versions on the same basis.I'd like to be able to redirect the following addresses towards the 2 applications according to their versions, such as :https://ip:port/version_App1/subdirectoryhttps://ip:port/version_App2/subdirectoryIn order to do this, I've created 2 Location such as following :ProxyPreserveHost on<Location /version_App1/subdirectory>ProxyPass http://ipAppServer:port1/subdirectory
ProxyPassReverse http://ipAppServer:port1/subdirectory</Location><Location /version_App2/subdirectory>ProxyPass http://ipAppServer:port2/subdirectory
ProxyPassReverse http://ipAppServer:port2/subdirectory</Location>My issue concerns the response I receive from the application server which always answers with a redirection but omit the version in the response. It answers me as following :https://ip:port/subdirectory/common/loginView.do;jsessionid=C3E6707A5BA4FD393B5E22525F4D764Bwhereas I expect :https://ip:port/version/subdirectory/common/loginView.do;jsessionid=C3E6707A5BA4FD393B5E22525F4D764B
Could someone help me with the rewriting of the response from the application server, to be able to keep the version inside the url I get as answer from the server and which is viewed by the user ?I hope that I've been clear enough and that this has an easy solution. I've read some topic that I think are related to this, but no solution fit to my issue.Thanks in advance.Loic