From: Nick Edwards <nick.z.edwards@xxxxxxxxx>
To: users <users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Wednesday, 14 March 2012, 11:41
Subject: [users@httpd] htaccess
Just trying to clarify it is best to allow these in the virtualhost
root on a per domain
For instance at present we have
<Directory />
AllowOverride None
Options None
Require all denied
I know this is good :)
But then we have
<Directory "/var/www">
AllowOverride AuthConfig
Options +Indexes
now assume each virtualhosts web root is under
I understand that current setup means apache looks in all dirs up to /var/www
So, am I assuming it is best in each <virtualhost> container I am
better off using a directory container
<directory /var/www/virtuals/
AllowOverride AuthConfig
and removing authconfig from the /var/www
I am thinking this saves a little performance as it then only looks
for .htaccess in
rather than going up the chain further, is that correct? 3 looks versus 8 ?
Also seeing segfaults still occasionally, no further info on that,
with 2K hosts a machine it is impossible to peruse every log trying to
track down what host/request caused it.
Also (they say things come in threes!) any comments on previous post a
few days ago re "crazy logging" :->
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